Here are the new iLogic enhancements for the 2024 release.
With Inventor 2024, working with Vault has never been easier. New functions added to iLogic allow Inventor to check out, get files, search Vault, and much more as part of your automations. Vault code snippets added to the editor make it easy to quickly get started.
You now have the ability to place and define a custom part in iLogic. Create a custom part in Content Center, or insert a standard Content Center part as a custom part, and create a rule to capture the current state. The "AddCustomContentCenterPart" function is created. When you edit the part and repeat the capture operation, iLogic rule updates accordingly. Also, when you edit the rule, the part updates as well.
A new function to close an open form is added in this release of Inventor. Note that this is only available for non-modal forms.