Using Oracle Data Import

Use the Import Oracle Data dialog box to manage the data transfer.

Note: When the Oracle user name is in a Unicode language (for example, Chinese or Japanese), you cannot use the Oracle Data dialog box to manage the data transfer. In this case, use a command-line procedure instead. See Using the Command Line to Import an Oracle Dump File.

Import Oracle Data dialog box


Select Mapping Definition

Selects the Oracle Data import configuration that defines the data transfer.


Creates a new mapping definition. Opens the Create New Mapping Definition dialog box.

You either start from scratch, or you import and amend an existing mapping definition (*.XML) file. See also Importing a Oracle Data Mapping Definition.


Opens the Edit Mapping Definition dialog box.


Deletes the selected mapping definition.

Temporary Directory

Specifies a temporary directory to save files, such as Log files, Error files, or SQL Loader files.


Displays status messages.

Test Mapping Definition

Validates the mapping definition without migrating any data. The test

  • Creates access permissions (Oracle grants).
  • Runs the SQL select statements.
  • Revokes the permissions.
  • Writes the results into the log files OracleDataImport.log, and OracleDataImport.err.

The OracleDataImport.err file stores the SQL select statements that need to be corrected.


Starts the Oracle Data Import, and transfers the data to the final industry model.