Plot Extension

The Plot Extension consists of two topics, as shown in the following table. Plot table names have the prefix PLT_<table name>.

Feature classes and topics



Topic that groups all plot feature classes.


PLT_PLOT. Point feature class that stores the plot origin, and plot attributes, such as the name.

Plot Cover

PLT_PLOT_COVER. Collection feature class.

Map Placeholder

PLT_PLOT_MAP. Polygon feature class. See also Plot Map Placeholder.


PLT_PLOT_CROSSHAIR. Collection feature class.

Grid Line

PLT_PLOT_GRID. Line feature class.

Grid / Cross Hair Extension Line

PLT_PLOT_GRID_EXTLINE. Line feature class.

Grid / Cross Hair Extension Lines Frame

PLT_PLOT_GRID_FRAME. Line feature class.

Island Plan Cover

PLT_PLOT_ISLAND_COVER. Polygon feature class.

Predefined Plot Scale

PLT_PLOT_SCALE. Attribute feature class. Stores the scales that can be selected when creating a plot.

Plot Label

PLT_PLOT_TBL. Label feature class. For dynamic text information.

Plot Decoration

Sub topic that groups geometry feature classes and label feature classes that store the plot components.


PLT_PLOT_DECORATION. Collection feature class.

Decoration Text

PLT_PLOT_DECORATION_TEXT. Point feature class that stores static text information. See also Plot Decoration Text.


PLT_PLOT_IMAGE. Point feature class.


PLT_PLOT_LEGEND. Point feature class.

North Arrow

PLT_PLOT_NA. Point feature class.


PLT_PLOT_SCALEBAR. Point feature class.