To create a logical topology

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, do one of the following:
    • Click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model . Open a project.
    • Click File and open a project.
  2. Click the Data Model node for the industry model.
  3. Right-click the Topologies node item and click Create Topology > Logical.
  4. In the Logical Topology dialog box, specify a name for the topology.

    For utility model topologies, this corresponds to the name of the utility model.

  5. Specify the Connection Tolerance Radius (the distance within which two features are considered spatially connected).

    The Connection Tolerance Radius is applied during topology initialization and online processing. For example, if there are two features in the tolerance radius, both features will be connected to the line. However, for a topology that is related to a utility model, this would cause a topology error of the type Line Has Two Start Points.

  6. On the Feature Classes In The Topology tab, select the feature class.

    For a utility model, the topology consists of one line string feature class and one point feature class. These feature classes store the edges and the nodes. They cannot be edited.

  7. Under Flow Per Feature Class, select the feature class attribute that stores the flow direction.

    For non-utility models, you can modify this value at any time, using the Manage Connection dialog box. For a utility model, this value cannot be edited.

    The default value is used if the topology creates a new connection between two features. For example, if you digitize a new feature and the topology automatically connects it to existing features.

  8. In the data grid, for each flow option, enter a value for the flow direction.
  9. Click the Connectivity Between Feature Classes tab and specify the possible connections.

    For each feature class in the list on the left side, select one or more possible connected feature classes in the list on the right side.

    For a utility model, this area displays the attribute feature classes that are related to the point geometry, and the line geometry feature classes.

    When you create the utility model, the points are connected to the lines, and the lines are connected to the points. After the utility has been created, when you edit the logical topology properties, you can define the connections using the attribute feature classes. However you cannot connect points to points, or lines to lines. For network tracing, the features must be connected (they must have an entry in the connectivity table <topology name>_CONN).

  10. Click OK.