There are special feature classes to store dimensioning in the database. A dimensioning consists of several related feature classes. A dimensioning feature class (parent attribute feature class) is related to several child feature classes that store the geometry components, such as points (symbols) and lines, and labels.
The default topic Dimension contains two dimensioning feature classes, Aligned Dimension, and Orthogonal Dimension. Dimensioning either uses the calculated dimension or the measured dimension.
See also About Aligned Dimensioning.
See also About Orthogonal Dimensioning.
Use the Industry Model Settings to add the dimensioning feature classes to any industry model.
We recommend that you use the Dimension Extension, and the default dimension feature classes. Optionally, you can create dimensioning feature classes manually in the data model administrator.
Data Model: Dimensioning feature classes. The dimension parent feature class is related to the geometry feature classes, Dimension Point Child and Dimension Line Child.