To create a user

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model . Open a project.
  2. Expand the Industry Model node.
  3. Under Setup, click Users.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Enter a name and password for the user.

    The password will be encrypted, so make a note of it for each user you create. Passwords are case-sensitive.

    To change a user’s password, select the user in the drop-down list and click Reset Password. Enter the new password.

  6. In the Groups section, double-click each user group to assign to the user (or use the arrow button).

    If you assign multiple user groups, use the up and down arrows to change their priority.

    To remove a user, select the user in the drop-down list and click Delete.

Next workflow: Customizing the User Interface for the Industry Model Data Editor