You use the FID Form Launcher (FidReference) control to generate an FID button. When a user clicks this button, the form the FID belongs to is opened, with the filter set to the FID.
The FID is unique in the whole database. Therefore, with the FID Form Launcher you can create dynamic relations. Use table TB_UFID to see which FID belongs to which feature class.
Property |
Description |
System Category |
ClassName |
FidReference |
Name |
Specifies the name. For example, $FIDREFERENCE. |
Specific Category |
MasterAttribute |
Selects the attribute name (of the current table) where the FID is saved. |
If the current record contains attributes that have FIDs saved, for example, those that have a relation to another table, you may wish to show this related record. If this relation is a multi-relation, you can use the FID Reference to create a reference button that will open the form the FID belongs to. The filter is set to the FID. Because the FID is unique in the whole database, you can handle dynamic relations.
Example: In relation to a point, where the relation is dynamic (to several point feature classes), you can either use the basic combo box or FID form launcher to show the related record. Also, you can define the field as a simple text box and add an FID form launcher. In addition, you can hide the text box and use only the FID form launcher.