Set Up Point Numbering

To set up point numbering

    In this example, you define point numbering for two feature class groups that use the same repetitive part, but different increments.

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, do one of the following:
    • Click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model . Open a project.
    • Click File and open an industry model drawing or template.
  2. Expand the Industry Model node.
  3. Click Point Numbering.
  4. On the right pane, under Point Numbering, Select The Point Numbering Type, select one of the following:
    • Per Industry Model
    • Per Group
    • Per Grid 100m
    • Per Raster Plan
  5. Expand the Settings section and specify the repeating part of the point number.

    Number Of Digits For Incremental Value: This number must match the increment minimal and maximal value, for example, 5.

    Exception Prefix: Specify a prefix that is used when the maximum increment value is exceeded. For example, your increment minimal value is 1, and your increment maximal value is 999, so the system can generate point numbers for 999 points. For any additional point, the system uses the exception prefix. Then you can filter for these points, and modify the numbers accordingly. For example, enter ERRCT.

    Standard Prefix: For Point Numbering Per Industry Model only, specify the prefix for the current industry model, for example, CT219611.

  6. For Point Numbering Per Raster Plan, specify the prefix for each raster.
  7. For all point numbering types, perform the following steps:
    • Expand the Group Settings to select the point feature classes.
    • Click Create, and enter the name, such as Control Points.
    • From the Unassigned FC node, select the feature classes to enable point numbering. Drag and drop the feature classes, or use the arrow buttons to move the selected feature class under the group node.

      Point feature classes that have not been grouped are listed under the Unassigned FC node. The explorer displays all point feature classes. Point feature classes that do not have the IM_POINTNUMBER attribute are highlighted in red.

    • Create other groups as needed, such as Topographic Points.

      You create one or more groups, and specify the point numbering rules for each group. Within a group, the same increment settings are applied, and the increment is unique.

    • Select a feature class group, such as Control Points.
    • Under Settings For Selected Group, specify the incremental part of the point number.

      Increment Minimal Value: For example, 1.

      Increment Maximal Value: For example, 49999.

    • Select the next feature class group, such as Topographic Points.
    • Under Settings For Selected Group, specify the increment number part.

      Increment Minimal Value: For example, 50000.

      Increment Maximal Value: For example, 99999.

    • For Point Numbering Per Group, under Settings For Selected Group, specify the Prefix Per Group (the repetitive part of the point number for the selected group).

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