To set enterprise industry model COGO and dimensioning options

  1. In the AutoCAD Map 3D toolset Maintenance workspace, connect to the enterprise industry model and open a project.
  2. Click Setup tab > Options panel > Industry Model Options.
  3. In the Industry Model Options dialog box, in the tree view, click Coordinate Geometry And Dimensioning.
    Delete Construction Features From The Industry Model

    Click Delete to remove the temporary COGO features. Use this option to clarify the construction workflow. Normally these features are deleted as soon as the COGO operation is finished.

    Dimension Feature Class For

    Specify the dimension feature classes to store dimensioning that is optionally created when you use COGO commands.

    Orthogonal Calculation Select a dimension feature class that stores the orthogonal dimensioning.
    Arc Intersection Select a dimension feature class that stores the arc dimensioning.
    Constant Offset For Aligned Dimensioning Specify an offset value for aligned dimensioning.

    See also To set global COGO options