Exercise 2: Resize the main viewport

The original template has a large main viewport with adjacent arrows around its edge, and a title block with placeholders you can change.

The template contains three types of objects:

Note: This exercise uses the template you modified in the previous exercise.

To adjust the main viewport and the adjacent arrows

  1. Click the frame of the main viewport once to select it.
  2. Drag the blue squares to resize the viewport.
  3. Click again to set the new size. Press Esc when you are finished.
  4. To move an adjacent arrows after you resize the viewport, click the arrow once to select it.
  5. Drag the arrow to a new location and click when it appears in the desired spot. Press Esc to deselect it.

    The viewport was resized and the adjacent arrows were adjusted accordingly.

  6. Do not save the template yet. Leave it open for the next exercise.

To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 3: Modify the Title Block