CATDigitSegTrans : Matrix3Controller

CATDigitSegTrans : Matrix3Controller {1adf2684,2e3b60d2}      

This Controller is part of 3ds Max CAT.


Class instances not creatable by MAXScript


CATDigitSegTrans DigitSegTrans 


 <CATDigitSegTrans>.Digit (DigitData) : float 

Contains the DigitData controller object of the digit segment bone.

 <CATDigitSegTrans>.BoneID : index 

Contains the BoneID index of the digit segment bone.

 <CATDigitSegTrans>.Length : float 

Get/set the length of the digit segment bone.

 <CATDigitSegTrans>.CATWeight : float 

Get/set the weight value of the digit segment bone.

CATDigitSegTrans interfaces:

Interface: CATControlInterface 

See Interface: CATControlInterface for properties and methods.

Interface: ExtraRigNodesInterface 

See Interface: ExtraRigNodesInterface for properties and methods.