Exposed by various components of 3ds Max CAT. Please see the Exposed by section at the bottom of the page.
.ExtraRigNodes: node byvaluearray : Read|Write
Get/set the number of extra rig nodes.
<void>AddExtraRigNodes <node by value array>nodes
Adds an array of one or more Extra Rig Nodes to the CATRig.
<void>RemoveExtraRigNodes <node by value array>nodes
Removes the array of one or more Extra Rig Nodes from the CATRig.
Exposed by
CATBoneDataMatrix3Controller : Matrix3Controller
CATBoneSegTrans : Matrix3Controller
CATCollarBone : Matrix3Controller
CATDigitSegTrans : Matrix3Controller
CATFootTrans2 : Matrix3Controller
CATSpineTrans2 : Matrix3Controller