Garment_Maker : Modifier

Garment_Maker-SuperClass:modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper -classID:#(940967468, 1610249612) 

The Garment_Maker modifier turns a shape into a garment panel to be used in cloth simulations. It provides optimal meshing for achieving wrinkles and cloth-like behavior.


Garmentize2 ... 


<Garment_Maker>.density Float default: 1.0 -- float 

Get/Set the value of the "Density" spinner.

<Garment_Maker>.autoMesh BooleanClass default: true -- boolean 

Get/Set the state of the "Auto mesh" checkbox. When true (default), the meshing is performed automatically. When false, the meshing is performed manually by either pressing the Mesh It button in the UI or by calling the gmakerOps.meshit() method documented below.

<Garment_Maker>.preserve BooleanClass default: true -- boolean 

Get/Set the state of the "Preserve" checkbox.

<Garment_Maker>.relax BooleanClass default: false -- boolean 

Get/Set the state of the "Relax" checkbox.

<Garment_Maker>.outputType Integer default: 0 -- integer; Output_Type 

Get/Set the output type radio buttons state. Possible values are:

0 - Arranged Panels

1 - Preserved Surface

2 - Flat Panels

<Garment_Maker>.figure UndefinedClassdefault: undefined -- node 

Get/Set the Figure object.

<Garment_Maker>.stretchMapping BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Stretch_Mapping 

Get/Set the state of the "Stretch Mapping Coordinates" checkbox.

<Garment_Maker>.striptexturescale Float default: 0.1 -- float; Stip_Texture_Scale 

Get/Set the strip texture scale value.

<Garment_Maker>.stripwidth Float default: 0.5 -- float; Strip_Width 

Get/Set the strip width value.

<Garment_Maker>.showMesh BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Mesh 

Get/set whether to show the mesh.

<Garment_Maker>.showSeams BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Show_Seams 

Get/set whether to show the seams.

Garment Maker Interfaces:

Interface: gmakerOps 



Generates a new MAXScript description of the currently selected object and outputs it to a new Scripting Editor window.


$.modifiers[#garmentmaker].setDensity 0.364000
$.modifiers[#garmentmaker].setSeamTolerance 0.060000
$.modifiers[#garmentmaker].setPanelMatrix 1 (matrix3 [1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000] [0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000] [0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000] [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000] )
$.modifiers[#garmentmaker].setFlatPanelMatrix 1 (matrix3 [1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000] [0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000] [0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000] [0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000] )
$.modifiers[#garmentmaker].setPanelParams 1 1.000000 0 0.001000 0 1

Object Rollout

<void>setDensity <float>density 

Sets the cloth density.


Returns the cloth density.


Corresponds to pressing the "Mesh It!" button.


Corresponds to pressing the "Mesh It and Preserve" button.

Panels Rollout

<void>setPanelParams<index>panel <float>density <integer>deform_type <float>curvature <integer>axis <integer>MatID 

Sets all parameters of the indexed panel to the specified values.

<integer>getPanelDeformType <index>panel 

Returns the deformation type of the indexed panel.

Possible values are:

0 - None

1 - Curved

<void>setPanelDeformType <index>panel <integer>deform_type 

Sets the deformation type of the indexed panel to the specified value.

Possible values are:

0 - None

1 - Curved

<float>getPanelDensity <index>panel 

Returns the density of the indexed panel.

<void>setPanelDensity <index>panel <float>density 

Sets the density of the indexed panel to the specified value.

<integer>getPanelMatID <index> panel 

Returns the Material ID of the indexed panel.

<void>setPanelMatID <index>panel <integer>MatID 

Sets the Material ID of the indexed panel to the specified ID.

<float>getPanelCurvature <index>panel 

Returns the Curvature of the indexed panel.

<void>setPanelCurvature <index>panel <float>curvature 

Sets the Curvature of the indexed panel to the specified value.

<integer>getPanelAxis <index>panel 

Returns the Axis of the indexed panel.

Possible values are:

0 - X-axis

1 - Y-axis

<void>setPanelAxis <index>panel <integer>axis 

Sets the Axis of the indexed panel.

Possible values are:

0 - X-axis

1 - Y-axis

<index>getPanelFromSpline <index>spline 

Returns the index of the panel defined by the supplied indexed spline.

<matrix3>getPanelMatrix <index>panel 

Returns the matrix of the indexed panel.

<void>setPanelMatrix <index>panel <matrix3>matrix 

Sets the matrix of the indexed panel to the supplied matrix3 value.

<matrix3>getFlatPanelMatrix <index>panel 

Returns the matrix of the indexed flat panel.

<void>setFlatPanelMatrix <index>panel <matrix3>matrix 

Sets the matrix of the indexed flat panel to the supplied matrix3 value.

Curves andSeams Rollouts

<void>setSeamParamsByIndex <index>seam <float>bend_angle <float>bend_stiffness <boolean>enabled <float>sewing_stiffness 

Set all parameters of the indexed seam to the supplied values.


Corresponds to pressing the "Create Seam" button.

<void>selectSplines <bitArray>sel 

Selects the splines specified by bits set in the supplied bitArray.


theSpline = Donut()
addModifier theSpline (Garment_Maker())
select theSpline
subObjectLevel = 1--change to Spline SO mode
theSpline.Garment_Maker.selectSplines #{1}--select the outer spline
sleep 1--wait a second
theSpline.Garment_Maker.selectSplines #{2}--select the inner spline
sleep 1--wait another second
theSpline.Garment_Maker.selectSplines #{1,2}--select both splines
<integer>createSeamFromSplines <index>spline1 <index>spline2 <integer>orientation 

Creates a seam from the supplied two indexed splines with the given orientation.

<string>makeMultiSegmentFromSplines<int array>indices 

Corresponds to pressing the "Make MultiSegment" button for the indexed splines specified in the supplied array.


Returns the seam tolerance value.

<void>setSeamTolerance <float>tolerance 

Sets the seam tolerance to the specified value.