Cloth - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID:#(1740754247, 2005071992)
The Cloth modifier implements the main element of the Cloth system introduced in 3ds Max 8. It provides access to all simulation parameters and controls the actual simulation process.
<Cloth>.showCurrentState BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Current_State
Gets/sets the state of the Show Current State checkbox in the Object rollout.
<Cloth>.showTargetState BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Target_State
Gets/sets the state of the Show Target State checkbox in the Object rollout.
<Cloth>.showEnabledSolidCollision BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Enabled_Solid_Collision
Gets/sets the state of the Show enabled solid collision checkbox in the Object rollout.
<Cloth>.showEnabledClothCollision BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Enabled_Cloth_Collision
Gets/sets the state of the Show enabled self collision checkbox in the Object rollout.
<Cloth>.scaleFloat default: 2.54 -- float; cm_per_unit
Gets/sets the Scale value in cm/unit.
<Cloth>.useGravit yBooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Use_Gravity
Controls the state of the Gravity checkbutton.
<Cloth>.gravity Float default: -980.0 -- animatable; float
Gets/sets the Gravity value.
<Cloth>.timestep Float default: 0.02 -- animatable; float; time_step
Gets/sets the Step value.
<Cloth>.subsample Integer default: 1 -- animatable; integer
Gets/sets the Sub sample value.
<Cloth>.startFrame Integer default: 0 -- integer; start_frame
Gets/sets the Start Frame value.
<Cloth>.enableEndFrame BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Controls the state of the End Frame checkbox. When set to true, the end frame will be used.
<Cloth>.endFrame Integer default: 100 -- integer; End_Frame
Gets/sets the End Frame value.
<Cloth>.selfCollision BooleanClass default: false -- animatable; boolean; self_collision
Controls the state of the Self Collision checkbox. When set to true, the cloth will calculate self-collisions. Animatable.
<Cloth>.clothclothMethod Integer default: 0 -- animatable; integer; Cloth_Cloth_Method
Gets/sets the Self-Collision value.
<Cloth>.checkIntersections BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Check_Intersections
Controls the state of the Check Intersections checkbox. When set to true, the cloth will check for self-intersections.
<Cloth>.solidCollision BooleanClass default: true -- animatable; boolean; solid_collision
Controls the state of the Solid Collision checkbox. When set to true, the collision will be calculated as solid.
<Cloth>.useSewingSpring sBooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Use_sewing_springs
Controls the state of the Use Sewing Springs checkbox. When set to true, the sewing springs will be used.
<Cloth>.showSewingSprings BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Show_sewing_springs
Controls the state of the Show Sewing Springs checkbox. When set to true, the sewing springs will be shown.
<Cloth>.simOnRender BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Simulate_on_Render
Controls the state of the Sim On Render checkbox. When set to true, the simulation will be performed before rendering.
<Cloth>.simPriorityInteger default: 1 -- integer; Sim_Priority
Gets/sets the Simulation Priority value. When Sim On Render is enabled, this value defines the priority of the Cloth simulation to determine the order in which the simulations will be performed.
<Cloth>.advancedPinching BooleanClass default: false -- animatable; boolean; Advanced_Pinching
Controls the state of the Advanced Pinching checkbox.
<Cloth>.showTension BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Tension
Controls the state of the Tension checkbox. When set to true, shows the tension of the cloth using colors.
<Cloth>.tensionScale Float default: 1.0 -- float; Tension_Scale
Gets/sets the Tension Scale value used when. showTension is set to true. Corresponds to the Tension spinner.
<Cloth>.relativeVelocity Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; Relative_Velocity_Adjustment
Gets/sets the relative velocity adjustment value. Not exposed to the UI. Animatable.
<Cloth>.timeScale Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float; Time_Scale
Gets/sets the time scale value. Not exposed to the UI. Animatable.
<Cloth>.weldMethod Integer default: 1 -- integer; Weld_Method
Gets/sets the index of the welding method radio buttons.
Possible values are:
0 - Verts
1 - Normals (default)
Available in 3ds Max 2010 and higher.
<Cloth>.ignoreBackfacing BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Ignore_Backfacing
Gets/sets the state of the Ignore Backfacing option.
<Cloth>.simOnMouseDown BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Sim_on_Mouse_Down
Gets/sets the state of the Simulate On Mouse Down option.
The following properties are accessible as properties of the Cloth Object ParamBlock2 accessed using the method. getObjectParamBlock() exposed by the ClothOps Mixin Interface. This Parameter Block is associated with a scene object that has a Cloth Modifier applied to it. There is one ReferenceTarget:ParamBlock2 for each object the Cloth Modifier is applied to.
The same ParamBlock2 can be accessed as a property of the Cloth Modifier. The name of the property consists of the name of the scene node followed by "_properties".
mySphere = sphere() myCloth = cloth() addmodifier mySphere myCloth thePB2 = mySphere.cloth.getObjectParamBlock $Sphere001 thePB2.Use_Bend_Map --which is equivalent to $Sphere001.cloth.Sphere001_properties.useBendMap
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.cacheFile (Cache_File) : string
Gets/sets the name of the cache file.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.forceUnc (Force_UNC_path) : boolean
Gets/sets the state of the Force UNC Path checkbox. When set to true, a UNC path will be used for the cache file.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.exportCacheAs (Extra_Cache) : boolean
Gets/sets whether to export the cache.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.overWriteCache (Overwrite_Cache_File) : boolean
Gets/sets whether to overwrite the cache file.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.extraCacheFile (Extra_Cache_File) : string
Gets/sets the extra cache file name.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.overWriteExtraCache: boolean
Gets/sets whether to overwrite the extra cache file.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.method (Properties_Application_Method) : integer
Gets/sets the material properties application method.
Corresponds to the radio buttons in the Property Assignment Group of controls.
Possible values are:
0 - Interpolate(default)
1 - Texture Map
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.bias (Property_Bias) : float
Gets/sets the material interpolation bias. Corresponds to the spinner/slider in the Property Assignment Group of controls.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.objectMap (Object_Map) :texturemap
Gets/sets the Texture Map.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.objectMapChannel (Object_Map_Channel) :integer
Gets/sets the Mapping Channel.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.useBendMap (Use_Bend_Map) : boolean
Enables/disables the use of the Bend map. Corresponds to the checkbox in front of the Bend Map value in the Bend Map group of controls in the Selected Object Rollout.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.bendMapStrength (Bend_Map_Strength) : float
Gets/sets the Bend map strength. Corresponds to the Bend Map value spinner in the Bend Map group of controls in the Selected Object Rollout.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.bendMapSource (Bend_Map_Source) : integer
Gets/sets the Bend map source. Corresponds to the radio buttons in the Bend Map group of controls in the Selected Object Rollout.
Possible values are:
0 - Vertex color(default)
1 - Map Channel
2 - Texture Map
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.bendMapChannel (Bend_Map_Source_Vertex_Color_Channel) : integer
Gets/sets the texture map channel when bendMapSource is set to 1. Corresponds to the Map Channel value in the Bend Map group of controls in the Selected Object Rollout.
<Cloth><ParamBlock2>.bendMap (Bend_Map) : texturemap
Gets/sets the texture map to use as Bend Map. Corresponds to the map button in the Bend Map group of controls in the Selected Object Rollout.
The following properties are accessible in Vertex Groups. By default, no Vertex Groups exist, resulting in an error message
-- Runtime error: Couldn't find a previously defined paramblock in Cloth
Be sure to create a vertex group before accessing vertex group parameters.
You can either use the . getGroupParamBlock() method exposed by the ClothOps Mixin Interface documented later in this topic or access the properties by specifying the ReferenceTarget:ParamBlock2 as a property of the Cloth modifier. In this case, you might have to use the aliases given in brackets.
theGroupRT = mySphere.cloth.getGroupParamBlock() theGroupRT.Active --which is equivalent to mySphere.cloth.group01.Active
<Cloth>.<Group>.groupName(Group_Name) : string
Gets/sets the group name.
<Cloth>.<Group>.ConstraintIsActive (Active): boolean
Gets/sets whether the constraint is active or not. Corresponds to the On checkbox in the Group Parameters rollout > Constraint Parameters group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.ConstraintIsSoft (Is_Soft): boolean
Gets/sets whether the constraint is soft. Corresponds to the Soft checkbox in the Group Parameters rollout > Constraint Parameters group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.ConstraintOffset (Offset): float
Gets/sets the constraint offset. Corresponds to the Offset spinner in the Group Parameters rollout > Constraint Parameters group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.OffsetRelative (Offset_is_Relative): boolean
Gets/sets whether the constraint is relative (true) or absolute (false).Corresponds to the rel checkbox in the Group Parameters rollout > Constraint Parameters group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.constraintStrength (Strength): float
Gets/sets the constraint strength. Corresponds to the Strength spinner in the Group Parameters rollout > Constraint Parameters group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.useVertexColors (Use_Vertex_Colors): boolean
Gets/sets whether the constraint strength uses the vertex colors. Corresponds to the vc checkbox in the Group Parameters rollout > Constraint Parameters group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.constraintDamping (Damping): float
Gets/sets the constraint damping. Corresponds to the Damping spinner in the Group Parameters rollout > Constraint Parameters group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.assigner_type (AssignerType) : integer
Gets/sets the assigner type.
Possible values are:
0 - 1-to-1
1 - Blob
Corresponds to the radio buttons in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.useRadius (Use_Radius) : boolean
Gets/sets whether to use the radius value. Corresponds to the Radius checkbox in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.radius: float
Gets/sets the radius value. Corresponds to the Radius spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.useGroupBehavior (Use_Group_Behavior) : boolean
Gets/sets the BehaviorSettings checkbox in the behavior group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.groupsolidCollision (Grp_Solid_Collision): boolean
Gets/sets whether the to process solid collisions in the group.
<Cloth>.<Group>.groupselfCollision (Grp_Self_Collision): boolean
Gets/sets whether the to process self collisions in the group.
<Cloth>.<Group>.Layer: integer
Gets/sets the Layer value in the behavior group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.keepShape (Keep_Shape) : boolean
Gets/sets whether to try to keep the shape. Corresponds to the Keep Shape checkbox in the Group Parameters rollout, behavior group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.keepShapeFactor (Keep_Shape_Factor) : float
Gets/sets the Bend % value in the behavior group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.keepShapeEdgeLengthsFactor (Keep_Shape_Edge_Lenghts_Factor) : float
Gets/sets the Stretch % value in the behavior group of controls.
<Cloth>.<Group>.useGroupProperties (Use_Group_Properties) : boolean
Gets/sets whether to use the group properties. Corresponds to the Use These Propertiescheckbox in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.UbendResistance (U_Bend_Resistance) : float
Gets/sets the bend resistance along U. Corresponds to the UBend spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.VbendResistance (V_Bend_Resistance) : float
Gets/sets the bend resistance along V. Corresponds to the Bend spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.uBendCurve (U_Bend_Curve) : float
Gets/sets the bend curve along U. Corresponds to the UB-Curve spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.vBendCurve (V_Bend_Curve) : float
Gets/sets the bend curve along V. Corresponds to the VB-Curve spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.UstretchResistance (U_Strech_Resistance) : float
Gets/sets the stretch resistance along U. Corresponds to the U Stretch spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.VstretchResistance (V_Stretch_Resistance) : float
Gets/sets the stretch resistance along V. Corresponds to the V Stretch spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.UCompressionResistance (U_Compression_Resistance) : float
Gets/sets the compression resistance along U.
Corresponds to the UCompress spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
Available in 3ds Max 2010 and higher.
<Cloth>.<Group>.UCompressionResistance (U_Compression_Resistance) : float
Gets/sets the compression resistance along V.
Corresponds to the VCompress spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
Available in 3ds Max 2010 and higher.
<Cloth>.<Group>.shearResistance (Shear_Resistance) : float
Gets/sets the Shear resistance. Corresponds to the Shear spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.density: float
Gets/sets the cloth Density. Corresponds to the Density spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.thickness: float
Gets/sets the cloth thickness. Corresponds to the Thickness spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.clothClothForce (Cloth_cloth_force) : float
Gets/sets the cloth-cloth force. Corresponds to the Repulsion spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.stretchDamping (Stretch_Damping) : float
Gets/sets the stretch damping. Corresponds to the Damping spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.airDamping (Air_Resistance) : float
Gets/sets the air resistance value. Corresponds to the Air Res. spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.dynamicFriction (Dynamic_Friction) : float
Gets/sets the dynamic friction. Corresponds to the Dyn Fric. spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.staticFriction (Static_Friction) : float
Gets/sets the static friction. Corresponds to the Static Fric. spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.clothClothFriction (Cloth_cloth_Friction) : float
Gets/sets the cloth-cloth friction. Corresponds to the Self Fric. spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.uScale (U_Scale) : float
Gets/sets the scale along U. Corresponds to the U Scale spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.vScale (V_Scale) : float
Gets/sets the scale along V. Corresponds to the V Scale spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.seamForce (Seam_Force) : float
Gets/sets the seam force. Corresponds to the Seam Force spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.collisionDepth (Collision_Depth) : float
Gets/sets the collision offset. Corresponds to the Depth spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.collisionOffset (Collision_Offset) : float
Gets/sets the collision offset. Corresponds to the Offset spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.Plasticity: float
Gets/sets the Plasticity value. Corresponds to the Plasticity spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.Stickiness: float
Gets/sets the Plasticity value.
Corresponds to the Cling spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
Available in 3ds Max 2010 and higher.
<Cloth>.<Group>.Pressure (Pressure) : float
Gets/sets the Pressure value.
Corresponds to the Pressure spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
Available in 3ds Max 2010 and higher.
<Cloth>.<Group>.PressureDamping (Pressure_Damping) : float
Gets/sets the Pressure Damping value.
Corresponds to the Press. Damp spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
Available in 3ds Max 2010 and higher.
<Cloth>.<Group>.anisotropic: boolean
Gets/sets whether to simulate the cloth as anisotropic. Corresponds to the Anisotropic checkbox in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.useEdgeSprings (Use_Edge_Springs) : boolean
Gets/sets whether to use Edge Springs. Corresponds to the UseEdge Springs checkbox in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.useSolidDepthOffset (Use_Solid_Depth_Offset) : boolean
Gets/sets the state of the Use Cloth Depth/Offset checkbox.
<Cloth>.<Group>.useSolidFricion (Use_Solid_Friction) : boolean
Gets/sets whether to use solid friction or not. Not exposed to the UI.
<Cloth>.<Group>.useSoftSelection (Use_Soft_Selection) : boolean
Enables/disables Soft Selection.
<Cloth>.<Group>.softselUseEdgeDistance (Use_Edge_Distance) : boolean
Enables/disables the use of Soft Selection distance.
<Cloth>.<Group>.softselEdgeDist (Edge_Distance) : integer
Gets/sets the Soft Selection Edge Distance value.
<Cloth>.<Group>.softselAffectBackfacing (Affect_Backfacing) : boolean
When set to true, soft-selection affects vertices if back-facing faces.
<Cloth>.<Group>.softselFalloff (Falloff) : world units
Gets/sets the Soft Selection Falloff value.
<Cloth>.<Group>.softselPinch (Pinch) : float
Gets/sets the Soft Selection Pinch value.
<Cloth>.<Group>.softselBubble (Bubble) : float
Gets/sets the Soft Selection Bubble value.
<Cloth>.<Group>.useTextureMap (Use_Texture_Map) : boolean
Gets/sets whether to use the Texture map or not. Corresponds to the Use TextureMap checkbox in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.texture (TextureMap) : texmap
Gets/sets the Texture map to use. Corresponds to the TextureMap button in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.mapChannel (Map_Channel) : integer
Gets/sets the map channel to use. Corresponds to the MapChannel spinner in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.map (Map_Channel_Type) : integer
Gets/sets whether to use the specified Map channel or the Vertex Color channel. Corresponds to the Mapping Channel radio buttons in the Group Parameters rollout.
<Cloth>.<Group>.frictionVelocityCutoff (Friction_Velocity_Cutoff) : float
Gets/sets the friction velocity cutoff. Default is 30.0.
<Cloth>.<Group>.matID (Constraint_MatID) : integer
Gets/sets the Constraint Material ID.
Cloth Interfaces:
The clothOps Interface is a Mixin Interface exposed by the Cloth Modifier and is NOT a global interface.
The methods listed below can be accessed as methods of the Cloth Modifier itself without specifying the clothOps prefix.
Sometimes the methods require the node to be passed as argument because the modifier can be instanced across multiple nodes and MAXScript needs to know which node to use. See the example below:
mySphere.modifiers[#Cloth].numberVertices mySphere --or mySphere.Cloth.numberVertices mySphere --which is equivalent to mySphere.Cloth.clothOps.numberVertices mySphere
<paramBlock2>getObjectParamBlock <node>node
Returns the parameter block Reference Target of the specified node.
<paramBlock2>getGroupParamBlock <string>groupname
Returns the parameter block Reference Target of the specified named group. This can be used to access the Group parameters.
<integer>numberVertices <node>node
Returns the number of vertices in the cloth.
<void>selectVertices <bitArray> sel <node> node
Selects the vertices specified by the bitArray in the supplied node.
<bitArray>getSelectedVertices <node> node
Returns the selected vertices in the supplied node as bitArray.
<void>makeConstraint <string>groupname <string> type <node> target_node
Makes a constraint from the given group using the specified type and target node.
<integer>makePointGroup <bitArray> vertex_sel <node>node <string> name
Creates a Point Group with the supplied name from the vertices specified by the bitArray in the supplied node.
<void>deletePointgroup <string> groupname
Deletes the Point Group with the supplied name.
<void>initPointgroup <string> groupname
Initializes the Point Group with the supplied name.
<void>detachPointgroup <string> groupname
Detaches the Point Group with the supplied name.
<void>makeGroupConstraint <string> groupname <string> target_group
Constrains the Point Group with the supplied name to the target group with the supplied name.
<void>simulate <boolean> show_dialog
Starts the simulation. If the parameter is true, shows the simulation dialog.
<void>simulateLocal <integer> stop_condition <float> param <boolean> damped
Starts a local simulation.
Stops the local simulation.
Erases the current simulation. Corresponds to pressing the "Erase Simulation" button in the Cloth modifier's UI.
Truncates the current simulation. Corresponds to pressing the "Truncate Simulation" button in the Cloth modifier's UI.
<void>setInitialState <node>node
Sets the current cloth state as the initial state. Corresponds to pressing the "Set Initial State" button in the Cloth modifier's UI.
<void>resetState <node>node
Resets the cloth state. Corresponds to pressing the "Reset State" button in the Cloth modifier's UI.
<void>delObjectCache <node>node
Deletes the Object Cache. Corresponds to pressing the "Delete Object Cache" button in the Cloth modifier's UI.
<void>setObjectType <node> node <integer> type <boolean>updateSim
Sets the object type of the specified node to the type specified by the integer parameter. If updateSim is true, updates the simulation.
Possible type integer values are:
0 - Inactive
1 - Collision Object
2 - Cloth
<integer>getObjectType <node>node
Returns the object type of the specified node as integer.
Possible return values are:
0 - Inactive
1 - Collision Object
2 - Cloth
<void>setObjectProperty <node> node <string> property <value> value
Sets the object property specified by the string name to the supplied value in the specified node.
Returns an array of strings containing all supported object property names.
<void>grabState <node> node
Grabs the state of the cloth. Corresponds to pressing the "Grab State" button in the Cloth modifier's UI.
<void>addForceField <node>node
Adds the specified Space Warp force to the list of Cloth Forces.
<void>removeForceField <node>node
Removes the specified Space Warp force from the list of Cloth Forces.
<void>flagParticles <bitArray>sel
For internal use only.
<void>exportCache <node> node <string> filename
Exports a cache file for the specified node to the given file name.
<void>importCache <node> node <string> filename
Imports a cache file for the specified node from the given file name.
<void>loadCache <node> node
Loads the cache for the specified node.
Loads all caches.
<void>saveCache <node>node
Saves the cache for the specified node.
<void>saveExtraCache <node>node
Saves an extra cache for the specified node.
Saves all caches.
Saves all extra caches.
<integer>makeTear <bitArray> vertex_sel <node> node <string> name
Creates a tear in the node specified as second argument defined by the vertex selection specified by the bitArray passed as first argument and named as the string passed as third argument.
Returns the index of the tear.
Available in 3ds Max 2010 and higher.
<void>clearTears <node> node
Clears all tears in the specified node.
Available in 3ds Max 2010 and higher.
<value> getObjectProperty <node> node <string> property
Returns the value of the node's property.
The first argument specifies the node to get the property from.
The second argument specifies the name of the property as a string.
The return value depends on the property's type.
Available in 3ds Max 2011 and higher.