particleInteger Sample Script


The following sample script assigns Integer values to the particleInteger channel according to particle speed.

Can Be Used With:

Can be used to choose targets in the Find_Target Test when .Assignment_Type is set to 4 : By Script Integer.


When used with a Find_Target operator, the particleInteger channel can be used to specify the target objects by index.

If the speed is below 1 unit per frame, then the particle is assigned to the first target (index=0). If the speed is higher than 10 units per frame then the particle is assigned to the third target (index=2). All other particles are assigned to the second target (index = 1).


   --The ChannelsUsed handler defines the channels
   --to be made available to the script.
   --For the list of all channels, see
   --Interface: MaxscriptParticleContainer
   --The parameter pCont passed to the handler
   --contains the Particle Container the script is applied to
   on ChannelsUsed pCont do
   --Enable the Time channel:
   pCont.useTime = true
   --Enable the Speed channel:
   pCont.useSpeed = true
   --Enable the Integer channel:
   pCont.useInteger = true
   --The Init handler is called on initialization.
   --It is not used in this case.
   on Init pCont do

   --The Proceed handler contains the main script
   --applied to the Particles.
   --The parameter pCont passed to the handler
   --contains the Particle Container the script is applied to:
   on Proceed pCont do
   --get the number of particles
   count = pCont.NumParticles()

   --define two local variables slowSpeed and fastSpeed
   --as 1 resp. 10 units per frame (in NTSC time 160 ticks are 1 frame)
   slowSpeed = 1/160.0
   fastSpeed = 10/160.0

   --Loop from 1 to the number of particles:
   for i in 1 to count do

   --Set the particle index in the container to the current i value
   pCont.particleIndex = i

   --If the length of the particleSpeed vector is shorter than
   --the defined slowSpeed value,
   --then set the particleInteger value to 0:
   if length(pCont.particleSpeed) < slowSpeed then
   pCont.particleInteger = 0

   --If the particle is faster than the slowSpeed value, test its
   --speed against the fastSpeed value. If faster, assign 2, if slower,
   --(between slowSpeed and fastSpeed), assign 1 to the
   --particleInteger channel:
   if (length(pCont.particleSpeed) > fastSpeed) then
   pCont.particleInteger = 2
   pCont.particleInteger = 1
   )--end i loop
   )--end Proceed
   --The Release handler is used to do cleanup work.
   --Not used in this case.
   on Release pCont do