CogControl - superclass: ReferenceTarget; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 3:0 - classID: #(852508842, 872572021)
<cogcontrol>.name String Default: "CognitiveControl"--string
The name of the state diagram.
<cogcontrol>.startState CrowdState Default: Undefined-- max object; Start_State
Set the starting CrowdState.
By default the state that executes first in a cognitive controller is the one that was added first.
<cogcontrol>.states ArrayParameter Default: #() --max objectarray
All of the states used by this cognitive controller.
You can perform the following MAXScript operations:
deleteitem <array> <itemnumber><array> = #(item,item...)<array> = append <array> <item>
on all of the properties containing an ArrayParamater of objects listed below. You can also undo/redo these operations.
<CogControl>.states -- array of CrowdState objects
If you delete a CrowdState (deleteitem $crowd01.cogcontrols[1].states1), it may still be referenced by either the startState or by a CrowdTransition stored in another CrowdState.
The following MAXScript operations will cause Crowd to fail, either right away or later:
NEVER set a StatesArrayParameterelement or the startState to undefined.
NEVER set a StatesArrayParameterelement or the startState to anything other than a CrowdState.