mr_Sun - superclass: light; super-superclass:node - 27:10 - classID: #(1901083579, 635572516)
The mr_Sun Photometric light provides physically-based sunlight, esp. in conjunction with the mr_Sun : Light.
Available in 3ds Max 9 and higher.
<mr_Sun>.on BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
<mr_Sun>.enabled BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "On" checkbox.
<mr_Sun>.skymult Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float; Multiplier
Get/set the "Multiplier" value.
<mr_Sun>.hasTarget BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Has_Target
Get/set the state of the "Targeted" checkbox.
<mr_Sun>.castShadows BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Cast_Shadows
Get/set the state of the Shadows "On" checkbox.
<mr_Sun>.shadowSoftness Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float; Shadow_Softness
Get/set the Shadow "Softness" value.
<mr_Sun>.shadowSamples Integer default: 8 -- integer; Shadow_Samples
Get/set the "Softness Samples" value.
<mr_Sun>.inherit BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Inherit_from_mr_Sky
Get/set the state of the "Inherit from mr Sky" checkbox.
<mr_Sun>.redblueshift Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; Redness
Get/set the "Red/Blue Tint" value.
<mr_Sun>.Saturation Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
Get/set the "Saturation" value.
<mr_Sun>.usephotontarget BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Use_Photon_Target
Get/set the state of the "Use Photon Target" checkbox.
<mr_Sun>.photontarget Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; Photon_Target
Get/set the Photon Target Radius value.
<mr_Sun>.color Color default: (color 255 242.25 229.5) -- color by value
<mr_Sun>.rgb Color default: (color 255 242.25 229.5) -- animatable; RGB color
Get/set the Sun Color.
<mr_Sun>.multiplier Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float; intensity
Get/set the multiplier value.
<mr_Sun>.targetDistance Float default: 240.0 -- animatable; float; Target_Distance
Get/set the target distance.
<mr_Sun>.includeList UndefinedClass default: undefined -- value;
Get/set the Include List.
<mr_Sun>.excludeList Array default: #() -- value
Get/set the Exclude List.
<mr_Sun>.Haze Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float
Get/set the Haze value.
<mr_Sun>.HorizonHeight Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; Horizon_Height
Get/set the Horizontal Height value.
<mr_Sun>.shadowGenerator raytraceShadow default: raytraceShadow:raytraceShadow -- value; SubAnim
Get/set the shadow generator class instance.
<mr_Sun>.shadowGeneratorByName String default: "Ray Traced Shadows" -- value
Get/set the shadow generator by name.
<mr_Sun>.raytracedShadows BooleanClass default: true -- value
Get/set whether to use Raytraced Shadows. This property is obsolete and exposed for backwards compatibility only.
<mr_Sun>.maxDepth Integer default: 7 -- animatable; integer; Max_Quadtree_Depth
Get/set the max. Depth of Raytraced shadows QuadTree.
<mr_Sun>.raytraceBias Float default: 0.2 -- animatable; float; Bias
Get/set the Bias of the raytraced shadows.
<mr_Sun>.twoSidedShadows BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set whether to calculate two-sided shadows.
<mr_Sun>.useGlobalShadowSettings BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Use_Global_Shadow_Settings
Get/set whether to use the Global shadow settings.
.excludeList: value : Read|Write
.includeList: value : Read|Write
.shadowGenerator: value : Read|Write
.shadowGeneratorByName: value : Read|Write
.raytracedShadows: value : Read|Write
.color: color by value : Read|Write
.enabled: boolean : Read|Write