RaytraceShadow : Shadow

raytraceShadow - superclass: Shadow; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(512, 0) 




<raytraceShadow>.raytraceBias Float default: 0.2 -- animatable; float; Bias 

Controls the raytrace shadow bias - the distance from the shadowing surface to the shadow.

<raytraceShadow>.maxDepth Integer default: 7 -- animatable; integer; Max_Quadtree_Depth 

Controls the max. depth of the quadtree.

<raytraceShadow>.twoSidedShadows Boolean default: false -- boolean 

When true , backfaces are not ignored when calculating shadows. Objects seen from the inside are not lit by lights from the outside. This costs a bit more render time. When false , backfaces are ignored. Rendering is quicker, but outside lights illuminate object interiors.