static MCallbackId | addTimeChangeCallback (MMessage::MTimeFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method registers a callback that is called whenever the time changes in the dependency graph. More...
static MCallbackId | addDelayedTimeChangeCallback (MMessage::MTimeFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method registers a callback that is called whenever the time changes in the dependency graph, but after the time changed callback. More...
static MCallbackId | addDelayedTimeChangeRunupCallback (MMessage::MTimeFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method registers a callback that is called whenever the time changes in the dependency graph, but after the other time changed callbacks which can be used to invoke a dynamics solve or runup if needed. More...
static MCallbackId | addForceUpdateCallback (MMessage::MTimeFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method registers a callback that is called after the time changes. More...
static MCallbackId | addNodeAddedCallback (MMessage::MNodeFunction func, const MString &nodeType=kDefaultNodeType, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method registers a callback that is called whenever a new node is added to the dependency graph. More...
static MCallbackId | addNodeRemovedCallback (MMessage::MNodeFunction func, const MString &nodeType=kDefaultNodeType, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method registers a callback that is called whenever a new node is removed from the dependency graph. More...
static MCallbackId | addConnectionCallback (MMessage::MPlugFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method registers a callback that is called whenever a connection is made or broken in the dependency graph. More...
static MCallbackId | addPreConnectionCallback (MMessage::MPlugFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method registers a callback that is called whenever any connection is made or broken in the dependency graph. More...
static MCallbackId | addNodeChangeUuidCheckCallback (MMessage::MCheckNodeUuidFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method registers a callback that is called whenever a node may have its UUID changed. More...
static MStatus | removeCallback (MCallbackId id) |
| Remove the specified callback from maya. More...
static MStatus | removeCallbacks (MCallbackIdArray &ids) |
| Remove all of the specified callbacks from maya. More...
static MCallbackId | currentCallbackId (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the callback ID of the currently executing callback. More...
static MStatus | nodeCallbacks (MObject &node, MCallbackIdArray &ids) |
| Returns a list of callback IDs associated registered to a given node. More...
static void | setRegisteringCallableScript () |
| Mark this MMessage object as one that will be passed callbacks defined in script.
static bool | registeringCallableScript () |
| Return true if this MMessage object has its callbacks defined in script.
static void | stopRegisteringCallableScript () |
| Introduced in 2019.0 More...
static void | setCallableInfo (MPluginCallableInfo *info) |
| Introduced in 2020.0 More...
static MPluginCallableInfo * | getCallableInfo () |
| Introduced in 2020.0 More...
static MPluginCallableInfo * | stealCallableInfo () |
| Introduced in 2020.0 More...
static const char * | className () |
| Returns the name of this class. More...
static MStatus | removeCallbacks (MIntArray &ids) |
| Deprecated in 2019.0 More...
static MStatus | nodeCallbacks (MObject &node, MIntArray &ids) |
| Deprecated in 2019.0 More...
enum | Action { kDefaultAction,
} |
| Callback result action codes. More...
typedef void(* | MBasicFunction) (void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a basic callback function. More...
typedef void(* | MElapsedTimeFunction) (float elapsedTime, float lastTime, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to an elapsed time callback function. More...
typedef void(* | MCheckFunction) (bool *retCode, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to callback function which returns a true/false result. More...
typedef void(* | MCheckFileFunction) (bool *retCode, MFileObject &file, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a file object and returns a result. More...
typedef void(* | MCheckPlugFunction) (bool *retCode, MPlug &plug, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a plug and returns a result. More...
typedef void(* | MComponentFunction) (MUintArray componentIds[], unsigned int count, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes an array of component ids. More...
typedef void(* | MNodeFunction) (MObject &node, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a dependency node. More...
typedef void(* | MStringFunction) (const MString &str, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to callback function which takes a string. More...
typedef void(* | MTwoStringFunction) (const MString &str1, const MString &str2, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes two strings. More...
typedef void(* | MThreeStringFunction) (const MString &str1, const MString &str2, const MString &str3, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes three strings. More...
typedef void(* | MStringIntBoolIntFunction) (const MString &str, unsigned int index, bool flag, unsigned int type, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to callback function which takes a string, an index, a flag and a type. More...
typedef void(* | MStringIndexFunction) (const MString &, unsigned int index, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to callback function which takes a string and index. More...
typedef void(* | MNodeStringBoolFunction) (MObject &node, const MString &, bool, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a node, a string and a boolean. More...
typedef void(* | MStateFunction) (bool state, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a boolean state. More...
typedef void(* | MTimeFunction) (MTime &time, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to callback function which takes a time. More...
typedef void(* | MPlugFunction) (MPlug &srcPlug, MPlug &destPlug, bool made, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to plug connection callback function. More...
typedef void(* | MNodePlugFunction) (MObject &node, MPlug &plug, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a dependency node and a plug. More...
typedef void(* | MNodeStringFunction) (MObject &node, const MString &str, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a dependency node and a string. More...
typedef void(* | MParentChildFunction) (MDagPath &child, MDagPath &parent, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to to a callback function which takes two DAG nodes in a parent/child relationship. More...
typedef void(* | MModifierFunction) (MDGModifier &modifier, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a DG modifier. More...
typedef void(* | MStringArrayFunction) (const MStringArray &strs, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a string array. More...
typedef void(* | MNodeModifierFunction) (MObject &node, MDGModifier &modifier, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a dependency node and a DG modifier. More...
typedef void(* | MObjArray) (MObjectArray &objects, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes an array of objects. More...
typedef void(* | MNodeObjArray) (MObject &node, MObjectArray &objects, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a dependency node and an array of objects. More...
typedef void(* | MStringNode) (const MString &str, MObject &node, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a string and a dependency node. More...
typedef void(* | MCameraLayerFunction) (MObject &cameraSetNode, unsigned int multiIndex, bool added, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a dependency node, an unsigned integer, and a boolean value. More...
typedef void(* | MCameraLayerCameraFunction) (MObject &cameraSetNode, unsigned int multiIndex, MObject &oldCamera, MObject &newCamera, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a dependency node, an unsigned integer, and two camera transform nodes. More...
typedef void(* | MConnFailFunction) (MPlug &srcPlug, MPlug &destPlug, const MString &srcPlugName, const MString &dstPlugName, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to connection-failed callback function. More...
typedef void(* | MPlugsDGModFunction) (MPlugArray &plugs, MDGModifier &modifier, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes an array of MPlugs and an MDGModifier. More...
typedef void(* | MNodeUuidFunction) (MObject &node, const MUuid &uuid, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a dependency node and a UUID. More...
typedef Action(* | MCheckNodeUuidFunction) (bool doAction, MObject &node, MUuid &uuid, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes a dependency node and a UUID, and returns a result. More...
typedef void(* | MObjectFileFunction) (const MObject &object, const MFileObject &file, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes an object and a file object. More...
typedef void(* | MCheckObjectFileFunction) (bool *retCode, const MObject &referenceNode, MFileObject &file, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which takes an object and a file object and returns a result. More...
typedef void(* | MRenderTileFunction) (int originX, int originY, int tileMaxX, int tileMaxY, const void *tileData) |
| Pointer to a callback function which receives origin, size and image data. More...
typedef void(* | MBasicListOfPairsFunction) (MObjectArray &objects, MObjectArray &duplicates, void *clientData) |
| Pointer to a basic callback function with a list of pairs. More...
Dependency graph messages.
This class is used to register callbacks for dependency graph messages.
There are 4 add callback methods which will add callbacks for the following messages
- Time change
- Node Added
- Node Removed
- Connection made or broken
A filter can be specified for node added/removed messages. The default node type is "dependNode" which matches all nodes. Each method returns an id which is used to remove the callback.
To remove a callback use MMessage::removeCallback. All callbacks that are registered by a plug-in must be removed by that plug-in when it is unloaded. Failure to do so will result in a fatal error.