C++ API Reference

Base class for user-defined blendshape deformers. More...

#include <MPxBlendShape.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MPxBlendShape:

Public Member Functions

 MPxBlendShape ()
 Class constructor.
 ~MPxBlendShape () override
 Class destructor.
MPxNode::Type type () const override
 This method returns the type of the node. More...
virtual MStatus deformData (MDataBlock &block, MDataHandle geomData, unsigned int groupId, const MMatrix &mat, unsigned int multiIndex)
 This method performs the deformation algorithm. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MPxGeometryFilter
 MPxGeometryFilter ()
 Class constructor.
 ~MPxGeometryFilter () override
 Class destructor.
MPxNode::Type type () const override
 This method returns the type of the node. More...
virtual MStatus deform (MDataBlock &block, MItGeometry &iter, const MMatrix &mat, unsigned int multiIndex)
 This method performs the deformation algorithm. More...
virtual MObjectaccessoryAttribute () const
 This method returns an MObject for the attribute to which an accessory shape is connected. More...
virtual MStatus accessoryNodeSetup (MDagModifier &cmd)
 This method is called by the "deformer -type" command when your node is specified. More...
void setUseExistingConnectionWhenSetEditing (bool state)
 This method allows the plugin node to request special treatment during set editing. More...
MStatus setDeformationDetails (unsigned int flags)
 This method allows the plug-in node to inform the system that it intends to deform components other than just positions. More...
unsigned int getDeformationDetails (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Retrieves the value set by setDeformationDetails(). More...
virtual void setModifiedCallback (MSelectionList &list, bool listAdded)
 This callback method can be overriden and is called whenever the set this deformer is operating on is modified. More...
virtual const MIndexMapperindexMapper (unsigned int multiIndex, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Introduced in 2024.0 More...
MFnGeometryData::SubsetState getGeometryIterator (MItGeometry &iter, MDataBlock &block, MDataHandle &dataHandle, unsigned int multiIndex, bool readOnly=true, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
 Introduced in 2022.0 More...
virtual MObject getFixedSetupData (const MString &name)
 Introduced in 2022.0 More...
MObject thisMObject () const override
 Returns the MObject associated with this user defined node. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MPxNode
 MPxNode ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~MPxNode ()
virtual void postConstructor ()
 Post constructor. More...
virtual MStatus compute (const MPlug &, MDataBlock &)
 This method should be overridden in user defined nodes. More...
virtual bool getInternalValue (const MPlug &, MDataHandle &)
 This method is overridden by nodes that store attribute data in some internal format. More...
virtual bool setInternalValue (const MPlug &, const MDataHandle &)
 This method is overridden by nodes that store attribute data in some internal format. More...
virtual int internalArrayCount (const MPlug &) const
 This method is overridden by nodes that have internal array attributes which are not stored in Maya's datablock. More...
virtual void copyInternalData (MPxNode *)
 This method is overridden by nodes that store attribute data in some internal format. More...
virtual MStatus legalConnection (const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc, bool &isLegal) const
 This method allows you to check for legal connections being made to attributes of this node. More...
virtual MStatus legalDisconnection (const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc, bool &isLegal) const
 This method allows you to check for legal disconnections being made to attributes of this node. More...
virtual MStatus setDependentsDirty (const MPlug &plug, MPlugArray &plugArray)
 This method can be overridden in user defined nodes to specify which plugs should be set dirty based upon an input plug {plugBeingDirtied} which Maya is marking dirty. More...
virtual MStatus preEvaluation (const MDGContext &context, const MEvaluationNode &evaluationNode)
 Prepare a node's internal state for threaded evaluation. More...
virtual MStatus postEvaluation (const MDGContext &context, const MEvaluationNode &evaluationNode, PostEvaluationType evalType)
 Clean up node's internal state after threaded evaluation. More...
virtual SchedulingType schedulingType () const
 When overridden this method controls the degree of parallelism supported by the node during threaded evaluation. More...
virtual void getCacheSetup (const MEvaluationNode &, MNodeCacheDisablingInfo &, MNodeCacheSetupInfo &, MObjectArray &) const
 Introduced in 2020.0 More...
virtual void configCache (const MEvaluationNode &, MCacheSchema &) const
 Introduced in 2020.0 More...
virtual MTimeRange transformInvalidationRange (const MPlug &source, const MTimeRange &input) const
 Introduced in 2020.0 More...
bool hasInvalidationRangeTransformation () const
 Introduced in 2020.0 More...
virtual MStatus connectionMade (const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc)
 This method gets called when connections are made to attributes of this node. More...
virtual MStatus connectionBroken (const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool asSrc)
 This method gets called when connections are broken with attributes of this node. More...
virtual MStatus dependsOn (const MPlug &, const MPlug &, bool &depends) const
 This method may be overridden by the user defined node. More...
virtual bool isPassiveOutput (const MPlug &) const
 This method may be overridden by the user defined node if it wants to provide output attributes which do not prevent value modifications to the destination attribute. More...
virtual MStatus shouldSave (const MPlug &, bool &isSaving)
 This method may be overridden by the user defined node. More...
virtual MPlug passThroughToOne (const MPlug &) const
 This method may be overridden by nodes that have a one-to-one relationship between an input attribute and a corresponding output attribute. More...
virtual bool passThroughToMany (const MPlug &, MPlugArray &) const
 This method is overridden by nodes that want to control the traversal behavior of some Maya search algorithms which traverse the history/future of shape nodes looking for directly related nodes. More...
virtual bool isAbstractClass () const
 Override this class to return true if this node is an abstract node. More...
virtual bool isTrackingTopology () const
 Introduced in 2019.0 More...
virtual MStringArray getFilesToArchive (bool shortName=false, bool unresolvedName=false, bool markCouldBeImageSequence=false) const
 Use this method to return all external files used by this node. More...
virtual void getExternalContent (MExternalContentInfoTable &table) const
 Returns the external content (files) that this node depends on. More...
bool addExternalContentForFileAttr (MExternalContentInfoTable &, const MObject &attr) const
 Adds content info to the specified table from a file path attribute. More...
bool setExternalContentForFileAttr (const MObject &attr, const MExternalContentLocationTable &)
 Sets content info in the specified attribute from the table. More...
virtual void setExternalContent (const MExternalContentLocationTable &)
 Changes the location of external content in batch. More...
virtual MTypeId typeId () const
 Returns the TYPEID of this node. More...
virtual MString typeName () const
 Returns the type name of this node. More...
virtual MString name () const
 Returns the name of this particular instance of this class. More...
virtual MStatus setExistWithoutInConnections (bool flag)
 This method specifies whether or not the node can exist without input connections. More...
virtual bool existWithoutInConnections (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines whether or not this node can exist without input connections. More...
virtual MStatus setExistWithoutOutConnections (bool flag)
 This method specifies whether or not the node can exist without output connections. More...
virtual bool existWithoutOutConnections (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines whether or not this node can exist without output connections. More...
void _setMPSafe (bool isMPSafe)
 Deprecated in 2019.0 More...
MDataBlock _forceCache (const MDGContext &)
 Deprecated in 2018.0 More...
virtual bool getInternalValueInContext (const MPlug &, MDataHandle &, MDGContext &)
 Deprecated in 2018.0 More...
virtual bool setInternalValueInContext (const MPlug &, const MDataHandle &, MDGContext &)
 Deprecated in 2018.0 More...
virtual int internalArrayCount (const MPlug &, const MDGContext &) const
 Deprecated in 2018.0 More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MPxGeometryFilter
static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MPxNode
static MStatus addAttribute (const MObject &attr)
 This method adds a new attribute to a user defined node type during the type's initialization. More...
static MStatus inheritAttributesFrom (const MString &parentClassName)
 This method allows a class of plugin node to inherit all of the attributes of a second class of plugin node. More...
static MStatus attributeAffects (const MObject &whenChanges, const MObject &isAffected)
 This method specifies that a particular input attribute affects a specific output attribute. More...
static MStatus attributeAffects (const MObject &whenChanges, const MObject &isAffected, bool affectsTopology)
 Introduced in 2019.0 More...
static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...

Static Public Attributes

static MObject weight
 weight attribute, multi
static MObject inputTarget
 inputTarget attribute, multi
static MObject inputTargetGroup
 inputTargetGroup attribute, multi
static MObject inputTargetItem
 inputTargetItem attribute, multi
static MObject inputGeomTarget
 inputGeomTarget attribute
static MObject inputPointsTarget
 inputPointsTarget attribute
static MObject inputComponentsTarget
 inputComponentsTarget attribute
static MObject targetWeights
 targetWeights attribute, multi
- Static Public Attributes inherited from MPxGeometryFilter
static MObject input
 input attribute, multi
static MObject inputGeom
 input geometry attribute
static MObject groupId
 input group id attribute
static MObject componentTagExpression
 Introduced in 2022.0 More...
static MObject outputGeom
 geometry output attribute
static MObject envelope
 envelope attribute
- Static Public Attributes inherited from MPxNode
static MObject message
 message attribute
static MObject isHistoricallyInteresting
 is historically interesting attribute
static MObject caching
 caching attribute
static MObject state
 state attribute
static MObject frozen
 frozen attribute

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MPxGeometryFilter
enum  DeformationDetails { kDeformsUVs = (1<<1), kDeformsColors = (1<<2) }
 Deformation details. More...
- Public Types inherited from MPxNode
enum  Type {
  kDependNode, kLocatorNode, kDeformerNode, kManipContainer,
  kSurfaceShape, kFieldNode, kEmitterNode, kSpringNode,
  kIkSolverNode, kHardwareShader, kHwShaderNode, kTransformNode,
  kObjectSet, kFluidEmitterNode, kImagePlaneNode, kParticleAttributeMapperNode,
  kCameraSetNode, kConstraintNode, kManipulatorNode, kMotionPathNode,
  kClientDeviceNode, kThreadedDeviceNode, kAssembly, kSkinCluster,
  kGeometryFilter, kBlendShape, kLast
 Defines the type of node. More...
enum  SchedulingType {
  kParallel = 1, kSerial, kGloballySerial, kUntrusted ,
  kDefaultScheduling = kSerial, kSerialize = kSerial, kGloballySerialize = kGloballySerial
 Defines the degree of parallelism of a node. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MPxNode
virtual MDataBlock forceCache ()
 USE _forceCache() IN SCRIPT. More...
virtual MStatus setDoNotWrite (bool flag)
 USE _setDoNotWrite() IN SCRIPT. More...
virtual bool doNotWrite (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 USE _doNotWrite() IN SCRIPT. More...
virtual void setMPSafe (bool isMPSafe)
 Deprecated in 2019.0 More...
virtual MDataBlock forceCache (const MDGContext &)
 Deprecated in 2018.0 More...

Detailed Description

Base class for user-defined blendshape deformers.

MPxBlendShape allows the creation of user-defined blendshape deformers. It derives from MPxGeometryFilter and so offers all the functionality of that class. Additionally, it has the input target and all other attributes of the Maya built-in blendShape node.

Custom nodes derived from MPxBlendShape are treated by Maya just like the built-in blendShape, so all the weight painting/editing etc. tools that artists are used to also work on the custom nodes.

basicBlendShape/basicBlendShape.cpp, and basicBlendShapeDeformer/basicBlendShapeDeformer.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

MPxNode::Type type ( ) const

This method returns the type of the node.

This method should not be overridden by the user. It will return MPxNode::kBlendShape.

The type of node

Reimplemented from MPxNode.

MStatus deformData ( MDataBlock block,
MDataHandle  geomData,
unsigned int  groupId,
const MMatrix matrix,
unsigned int  multiIndex 

This method performs the deformation algorithm.

A status code of MS::kSuccess should be returned unless there was a problem during the deformation, such as insufficient memory or required input data is missing or invalid.

NOTE: the geometry passed to this method is in local space and not world space. To convert points to world space use the matrix that is suppied.

If this method is overriden (and returns success or failure), then deform() (virtual in MPxGeometryFilter()) is NOT called. If the derived node prefers to use deform(), then do not override this method.

[in]blockthe node's datablock.
[in]geomDataa handle to the current geometry being deformed.
[in]groupIdthe group ID within the geometry to deform
[in]matrixthe geometry's world space transformation matrix.
[in]multiIndexthe index corresponding to the requested output geometry.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The method was successful.
  • MS::kFailure An object error has occurred.
const char * className ( )

Returns the name of this class.

The name of this class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: