3ds Max C++ API Reference
No Matches
DefaultActions.H File Reference
#include "maxheap.h"
#include <WTypes.h>
#include "strclass.h"


class  DefaultActionSys
 The Default Action System interface. More...


 Specifies the default maximum number of messages logged to the Default Action System that are retained.
 Messages get logged to a file "<3dsMaxInstallPath>\network\Max.log".
#define DEFAULTACTIONS_LOGMSG   0x00000002
 Messages get logged to the Default Action System and can be retrived via DefaultActionSys::GetMsgLogMsg.
#define DEFAULTACTIONS_ABORT   0x00000004
 The process that generated the event associated with this action is cancelled.
#define DEFAULTACTIONS_RESERVED_4   0x00000008
#define DEFAULTACTIONS_RESERVED_5   0x00000010
#define DEFAULTACTIONS_RESERVED_6   0x00000020
#define DEFAULTACTIONS_RESERVED_7   0x00000040
#define DEFAULTACTIONS_RESERVED_8   0x00000080
 External assets cannot be found.
 Plugin dlls cannot be found.
 Xref assets (.max files) cannot be found.
 UVW coordinates cannot be found.
 Unsupported render effects have been found.
 Files not suitable for xrefing were detected.
 DEFAULTACTIONS_MAX_DEFINED_ACTION must contain the largest internally used value.

Macro Definition Documentation



Specifies the default maximum number of messages logged to the Default Action System that are retained.

New messages that are logged once this limit is hit will not be retained.