#define | MOUSE_ABORT 0 |
| Sent when the user aborts a mouse procedure.
#define | MOUSE_IDLE 0 |
#define | MOUSE_POINT 1 |
| Sent when the user has clicked a point.
#define | MOUSE_MOVE 2 |
| Sent when the mouse input is captured and the user moved the mouse.
#define | MOUSE_DBLCLICK 3 |
| sent when the user has double clicked the mouse.
#define | MOUSE_INIT 4 |
| Sent when the mouse proc is plugged in as the current mouse proc.
#define | MOUSE_UNINIT 5 |
| sent when the mouse proc is un-plugged as the current mouse proc.
#define | MOUSE_FREEMOVE 6 |
| Similar to a MOUSE_MOVE message except it is not called when the mouse is in a 'drag' session.
#define | MOUSE_KEYBOARD 7 |
| Keyboard input is processed by registering an accelerator table.
#define | MOUSE_PROPCLICK 8 |
| Sent on a right click, when nothing is selected, and the user is not over any selectable object.
#define | MOUSE_SNAPCLICK 9 |
#define | CLICK_MODE_DEFAULT 0 |
| Returned by CreateMouseCallBack to indicate use of system mouse mode.
#define | CLICK_DRAG_CLICK 1 |
| The default behaviour as described in override()
#define | CLICK_MOVE_CLICK 2 |
| In this mode, the first point is entered by clicking the mouse button down and then letting it up.
#define | CLICK_DOWN_POINT 3 |
| In this mode, point messages are sent on mouse-down only.
#define | CLICK_TWO_POINTS 4 |
| In this mode, each mouse click sends 2 MOUSE_POINT messages.
#define | LEFT_BUTTON 0 |
| Left button.
#define | MIDDLE_BUTTON 1 |
| Middle button.
#define | RIGHT_BUTTON 2 |
| Right button.
#define | MOUSE_SHIFT (1<<0) |
| Indicates the Shift key is pressed.
#define | MOUSE_CTRL (1<<1) |
| Indicates the Ctrl key is pressed.
#define | MOUSE_ALT (1<<2) |
| Indicates the Alt key is pressed.
#define | MOUSE_LBUTTON (1<<3) |
| Indicates the Left button is down.
#define | MOUSE_MBUTTON (1<<4) |
| Indicates the Middle button is down.
#define | MOUSE_RBUTTON (1<<5) |
| Indicates the Right button is down.
#define | WM_MOUSEABORT (WM_USER + 7834) |