Animation Options

Use the options on the Display > Animation submenu to control the display of animation objects.

Lattice Points

Turns on or off the display of the lattice points if you selected a lattice deformer (an L icon represents a lattice deformer handle). For information on lattices, see Lattices.

Lattice Shape

Turns on or off the display of the object’s lattice shape when you have selected a lattice deformer. The lattice deformer switches between displaying its lattices and the L icon. For information on lattices, see Lattices.

Joint Size

Adjust joint sizes by entering a value or use the slider for ranges of 0.01 to 10.

IK/FK Joint Size

Adjust IK/FK joint sizes by entering a value or use the slider for ranges of 0.01 to 10.

IK Handle Size

Adjust IK handle size by entering a value or use the slider for ranges of 0.01 to 10.

Joint Labels

Turns on or off the display of joint labels in the scene view for selected joints.

Highlight Affected

Turns highlighting display on or off. An object associated with or affected by a selected object is highlighted in a different color. Alternately available in the Select Tool settings. The default is off.


You can edit this highlight color by selecting Editors > Settings/Preferences > Color Settings, clicking the Active tab, expanding General, and modifying Active Affected.