Walk Tool options

The Walk Tool lets you explore your scene from a first-person perspective. You can create sets and big environments, and then move through your scene using the Walk Tool's game-like navigation controls.

When Maya is in walk mode (hotkey: Alt + X), the cursor changes to a multi-directional arrow and a heads-up display message appears at the bottom of the Viewport.

Show Walk Tool HUD
When enabled, a heads-up display (HUD) message appears when the Walk Tool is activated.
Walk speed multiplier
Specifies the rate of the walk speed. Adjust the slider to accelerate or decelerate the default walk speeds. See also Control Walk Tool speed.
Specifies the distance between the camera and the ground plane.
Sensitivity multiplier
Specifies the sensitivity level of the mouse. Increase the Sensitivity multiplier value to make mouse movements, like looking around the scene, quicker.
Crouch Count
In crouch mode, the camera moves closer to the ground plane. The Crouch Count specifies how far the camera moves toward this plane.

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