Rendering Options

Use the options on the Display > Rendering submenu to control aspects of the cameras, lights, and displayed objects in a rendered scene.

Camera/Light Manipulator


Center of Interest

Turns on or off the display of the camera’s center of interest manipulator.


Turns on or off the display of the camera’s pivot, around which the camera rotates.

Clipping Planes

Turns on or off the display of the camera’s clipping planes.

Cycling Index

Turns on or off the display of the camera’s cycling index. By clicking on this control, you can cycle through the available manipulator controls one at a time for the selected camera.


Center of Interest

Turns on or off the display of a light’s center of interest manipulator.


Turns on or off the display of a light’s pivot, which is the point that the light rotates around.

Cycling Index

Turns on or off the display of a light’s cycling index. By clicking this control, you can cycle through the available manipulator controls for the selected light on at a time.

Other options

Paint Effects Mesh Display

Show the paint effects as a 3D mesh.

Stroke Display Quality

Use this to set a percentage display quality for the selected Paint Effects strokes. For more information, see Modify stroke display quality.