Export Skin Weight Map Options

Export Value

Select one of the following options.

Exports alpha channel (opacity) values.
Exports luminance (brightness) values.
Map Size X, Y
Sets the width and height of the image. If the skin has 1000s of CVs or vertices, a large map will ensure the destination skin matches the original skin. However, large maps take more time to save to disk and also use more disk space. A map that is too small might cause inadvertent averaging of the alpha or luminance values.
The default values 512 by 512 work well for most skins. If the skin has lots of CVs or vertices, use Map Size values of 1024 by 1024.
If the skin has relatively few CVs or vertices, use values 256 by 256.
If you use a skin made from dozens of NURBS patches, consider using 256 by 256 to avoid wasting lots of disk space.
Keep Aspect Ratio
Maintains the height to width ratio of the attribute map when you export.
Image Format
Specifies the type of image, for instance, TIFF, JPEG, and so on.
Skin Cluster

The Skin Cluster list contains all the skin clusters associated with the currently selected geometry

The Skin Cluster area lets you select individual skin clusters on geometry that have more than one or more skin cluster applied.
Skin Cluster list
Skin clusters on the selected geometry appear here.
Note: If no skin cluster are found this list remains empty. Select geometry to update the list.
The most recently added skin cluster appears at the top of the list.

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