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Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


menu [-allowOptionBoxes boolean] [-defineTemplate string] [-deleteAllItems] [-docTag string] [-enable boolean] [-exists] [-familyImage string] [-helpMenu boolean] [-itemArray] [-label string] [-mnemonic string] [-numberOfItems] [-parent string] [-postMenuCommand script] [-postMenuCommandOnce boolean] [-scrollable boolean] [-tearOff boolean] [-useTemplate string] [-version string] [-visible boolean] [string]

menu is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command creates a new menu and adds it to the default window's menubar if no parent is specified. The menu can be enabled/disabled. Note that this command may also be used on menu objects created using the command menuItem -sm/subMenu true.

Return value

stringFull path name to the menu.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


allowOptionBoxes, defineTemplate, deleteAllItems, docTag, enable, exists, familyImage, helpMenu, itemArray, label, mnemonic, numberOfItems, parent, postMenuCommand, postMenuCommandOnce, scrollable, tearOff, useTemplate, version, visible
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-allowOptionBoxes(-aob) boolean createquery
Deprecated. All menus now always allow option boxes. Indicate whether the menu will be able to support option box menu items.
-defineTemplate(-dt) string create
Puts the command in a mode where any other flags and arguments are parsed and added to the command template specified in the argument. They will be used as default arguments in any subsequent invocations of the command when templateName is set as the current template.
-deleteAllItems(-dai) createedit
Delete all the items in this menu.
-docTag(-dtg) string createqueryedit
Attaches a tag to the menu.
-enable(-en) boolean createqueryedit
Enables/disables the menu.
-exists(-ex) create
Returns whether the specified object exists or not. Other flags are ignored.
-familyImage(-fi) string createqueryedit
The filename of the icon associated with the menu. This icon will be used if a menu item does not have an icon image defined.
-helpMenu(-hm) boolean createqueryedit
Indicates that this menu is the help menu and will be the right most menu in the menu bar. On Unix systems the help menu is also right justified in the menu bar.
-itemArray(-ia) query
Return string array of the menu item names.
-label(-l) string createqueryedit
The text that is displayed for the menu. If no label is supplied then the menuName will be used.
-mnemonic(-mn) string createqueryedit
Set the Alt key to post that menu. The character specified must match the case of its corresponding character in the menu item text, but selection from the keyboard is case insensitive.
-numberOfItems(-ni) query
Return number of items in the menu.
-parent(-p) string create
Specify the window that the menu will appear in.
-postMenuCommand(-pmc) script createedit
Specify a script to be executed when the menu is about to be shown.
-postMenuCommandOnce(-pmo) boolean createqueryedit
Indicate the -pmc/postMenuCommand should only be invoked once. Default value is false, ie. the -pmc/postMenuCommand is invoked every time the menu is shown.
-scrollable(-srb) boolean createqueryedit
Make the popup menus support scrolling. Default value is false.
-tearOff(-to) boolean create
Makes the menu tear-off-able.
-useTemplate(-ut) string create
Forces the command to use a command template other than the current one.
-version(-ver) string createqueryedit
Specify the version that this menu feature was introduced. The argument should be given as a string of the version number (e.g. "2014", "2015"). Currently only accepts major version numbers (e.g. 2014.5 should be given as "2014").
-visible(-vis) boolean createqueryedit
Shows/hides the menu.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

window -menuBar true -width 200;
menu -label "File" -tearOff true;
    menuItem -label "New";
    menuItem -label "Open";
    menuItem -label "Save";
    menuItem -divider true;
    menuItem -label "Quit";
menu -label "Help" -helpMenu true;
    menuItem -label "About Application...";
    button; button; button;