Compression element (3D) dialog - Surface properties

This dialog is used to define the properties of nodes associated with compression surface elements.

To access the dialog, select the elements of interest, then click (Mesh tab > Properties panel > Edit).

Dialog elementsComments
Compression surface properties (interior)

The interior option refers to nodes that are completely enclosed by the selected elements.

The options are:

Compression surface properties (boundary)

The boundary option refers to nodes on the boundary of the selected elements. The options are the same as for interior:


This is the default setting, and automatically decides which of the three types of compression surface is assigned to the selection, based on the compression direction and the mesh topology.

Compression (moving) surface

The Compression (moving) surface is considered to be the press side of the cavity and will follow the press movement exactly.

Fixed surface

The Fixed surface property is considered to be the fixed side of the cavity, and will not move during the analysis.

Side surface

The side surface property is considered to be the side of the mold between the fixed plate and the press. Nodes on this surface can move in the +/- Z-direction.