In this task, you will investigate part warpage.
If you have the model from the previous task open, skip the next three steps.
Click (Start & Learn tab > Launch panel > Open Project).
Open the Postprocessing project you created in the first task of this tutorial.
Double-click cpu_base in the Project View pane to open the study.
Right-click New Triangles in the Layers panel and select Hide All Other Layers .
At the bottom of the Results section of the Study Tasks pane is the Warp folder that contains the available warpage results.
Select Deflection, all effects:Deflection result.
The image in the Model pane shows an outline of the original part with the colored model reflecting the final warped part. The extent and shape of the warpage is not obvious in this graphic . You will magnify the extent of the warpage by a factor of 10 to help overcome this.
Click on the ViewCube and rotate the model until the Back is facing you.
Click ( Results tab > Properties panel > Plot Properties), and select the Deflection tab from the top of the dialog.
In the Scale Factor box, set the Value to 10 and select only the Y direction. Move the Plot properties dialog box so that the large portion of the model is visible. Click Apply. The warpage in the Y direction is now apparent.
Image 1: Deflection, all effects:Deflection - Y axis, scale factor 10
Select Z as the only Direction for the Scale factor , clear the Overlay with undeformed part check box, and click OK. Rotate the model.
The deflection in the Z-direction is now shown.
Image 2: Deflection, all effects:Deflection - Z axis, scale factor 10
From the Deflection tab in the Plot properties dialog, select X, Y, and Z as the Direction for the Scale factor. Set the Value back to 1, ensure the Overlay with undeformed part check box is selected, and then click OK.
This resets the Deflection, all effects:Deflection result display to the default setting.
The extent of the warpage can be easily determined. Click (Results tab > Properties panel > Plot Properties), and select the Mesh Display tab.
From the Edge display on deformed part box, select Element lines and click OK.
Select the New Nodes layer option in the Layers panel.
Select (Results tab > Examine panel > Examine).
The Deflection Query(X[mm], Y[mm], Z[mm]) dialog appears.
Select a node on the model.
The node number appears in the dialog box along with information about the warpage of that point. The drop-down box at the bottom of the dialog allows you to specify several combinations of Coordinates, Deflection, Distance, and Shrinkage results.
Select Coordinates+Deflection+Distance+Shrinkage from the list of options.
Select a second node on the model and then click on Query in the dialog box.
Along with the Shrinkage, the relative distances between the nodes before and after deformation are now reported.
Parent topic: Post process options (tutorial)
Previous topic: Display the results
Next topic: Create and edit XY plots