Adds, removes, or edits a selected schematic line group and associates or dissociates a signal line group and a pipe line group.

Access Methods

 Ribbon: Home tab Line Group panel Edit Group
 Command entry:  slgroupedit


Add or remove a schematic line from a schematic line group or associate or dissociate a signal line group and a pipe line group.

List of Prompts

Select group to edit:

Click the pipe line group or signal line group you want to edit.

Enter an option [Add/Remove/Ungroup/Linenumber/Service]:

Enter an option for the pipe line group and press Enter.

Enter an option [Add/Remove/Ungroup/Associate/Dissociate]:

Enter an option for the signal line group and press Enter.


Adds a schematic line to the existing schematic line group.

Select schematic lines to add to group...

Select objects: Click a schematic line to add to the schematic line group.


Removes a schematic line from the existing schematic line group.

Select schematic lines to remove from group...

Select objects: Click a schematic line to remove from the schematic line group.


Ungroups the schematic lines.


Groups the schematic lines using one line number.

Enter line number for group or [?/Nextavailable]: Enter a line number for the entire group or allow the program to select the next available line number.


Groups the schematic lines using one service.

Enter service for group or [?/Nextavailable]: Enter a service for the entire group or allow the program to select the next available line number.


Associates a signal line group with pipe line group, thus allowing property acquisition from the pipe line group to the signal line group.

Select a pipe line group to associate: Click a signal line group to associate with the schematic line group.


Dissociates a signal line group from pipe line group.

Select a pipe line group to dissociate: Click a signal line group to dissociate from the schematic line group.