Code Combinations Generator (PondEdit)

The PondEdit application generates and modifies files containing regulations of code combinations which constitute the basis for automatic generation of code combinations in Robot and its calculators.

These are text files with strictly defined syntax.

PondEdit can run parametrized by providing a file path with the regulations (pondedit.exe "filepath"). The file containing appropriate regulations is then opened by default.

The following options may be selected in the menu.

The top part of the dialog contains a field which enables changing a name. This name allows subsequent identification of regulations. The read only field presents a number of the software version with which the regulations may cooperate.

Note: PondEdit saves regulations in compliance with version 16.0 or later. Use of these regulations in earlier versions may cause incorrect functioning of the modules for automatic generation of code combinations.

The middle part of the dialog displays a table where safety factors and simultaneity factors for load natures and subnatures may be modified. Definition of a new record starts with determining its nature. The nature is chosen from seven load natures: dead, live, wind, snow, temperature, accidental and seismic. For each nature any number of subnatures may be defined (such as live - people load, live - vehicle load, and so on). A subnature name is provided in the second table column. The next step is to assign safety and simultaneous factors. Subsequent columns offer 14 available different factors: γ max γ min γ s γ a; ψ 0,1 ψ 0,2 ψ 0,3 ψ 0,n ψ 1; ψ 2,1 ψ 2,n ψ K; ξ 1; ξ 2; respectively. These factors generate appropriate code combinations.

After the factor values or combination formulas of regulations were modified, the edited *.rgl regulation file may be saved by selecting File > Save. The file is saved by default in the user's data folder (...\ Users \ your_login \ AppData \ Roaming \ Autodesk \ Structural \ Common Data \ version_number \...).

Note: The regulation file provided by default is still unchanged and available in the common data folder (...\ ProgramData \ Autodesk \ Structural \ Common Data \ version_number \ Rgl \...).

If the Save As command has been chosen to save the regulation file, save the file in one of the above-listed folders. Regulations will then be placed on the list in the Job Preferences dialog.

Note: Not all the rules of code combinations support different simultaneity factors for different subnatures. To apply different simultaneity factors within one nature, verify it is taken into account beforehand in the descriptions of rules. In simplified combinations different simultaneity factors for subnatures are never considered. Some of the rules concerning live loads have been formulated on the basis of requirements of specific code regulations. Owing to this, generated combinations may diverge from the mathematical regulations presented in the descriptions.

The following rules are available for individual load types:

The bottom part of the PondEdit window defines the rules of code combination generation. In the first column, definitions should start with entering the limit state to which a given combination applies. Four limit states are available: ULS (load capacity check combinations), SLS (serviceability state check combinations), ACC (accidental state check combinations), and SPC (special state check combinations). Once an appropriate state is chosen, a combination type may be defined. The type is an additional description facilitating subsequent identification of a combination. There are nine standard combination descriptions available: STD (standard), SEI (seismic), ACC (accidental), RAR (rare, characteristic), FRE (frequent); QPR (quasi-permanent); FUN (fundamental), SIM (simplified), and EXT (extreme). If any of these are used, the presented combinations will be ascribed appropriate names in the working language. Moreover, the USR type which enables modifying the User-defined type column (permanent and not language-dependent) as well as absence of description can be selected. The remaining columns allow user defined formulae of generating code combinations. This is done separately for dead, live, accidental and seismic load types. Generation rules may be chosen from a predefined set of rules.

For Eurocode-based combinations Robot will generate the SLS combination set along with 3 additional sets: SLS:CHR (rare, characteristic), SLS:FRE (frequent), SLS:QPR (quasi-permanent).