Create a Lighting Fixture with One Light Source

Lighting fixture templates define the reference planes and light source for creating the fixture.

  1. Click File tab NewFamily.
  2. In the New Family - Select Template File dialog, select a light fixture template.

    The names of all lighting fixture templates include the words Lighting Fixture. Be sure to select the appropriate template for the type of lighting fixture that you want to create. For example, to create a ceiling-based fixture for metric projects, use Metric Lighting Fixture ceiling based.rft.

    Revit opens the Family Editor. For ceiling-based and wall-based fixtures, the template includes a ceiling or wall to host the fixture.

  3. Define the geometry of the light source for the lighting fixture.
  4. Sketch solid geometry for the lighting fixture.
    Tip: If you want the surface of the light bulb to display in a rendered image, create geometry for it. Then apply a material to it, and, for its render appearance, select Light Bulb - On from the Render Appearance Library. This render appearance models the surface of a light bulb that is turned on. It is white, shiny, and emits the appropriate amount of light.
  5. Click Create tabProperties panelFamily Types.
  6. In the Family Types dialog, specify values for the parameters.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Load into Project to load the light fixture into the current project, or save the fixture and exit the Family Editor.