Change the Zoom Magnification of a Model

Use the SteeringWheels Zoom tool to change the zoom magnification of a model.

2D Wheel Full Navigation Wheel Basic View Object Wheel Mini View Object Wheel Mini Full Navigation Wheel

The following mouse click and key combinations are available to control Zoom tool behavior:

Note: When you use the Zoom tool from the Full Navigation wheel or the View Object wheel, the point in the view where you click to zoom becomes the Center point for future Orbit operations until you either use the Zoom tool again or use the Center tool. If you press Ctrl before you click the Zoom wedge, the Center point does not change.

Zoom Constraints

When changing the magnification of a model with the Zoom tool, you cannot zoom in any farther than the focus point or out past the extents of the model. The direction in which you can zoom in and out is controlled by the center point set by the Center tool.

Note: Unlike the Zoom tool on the big View Object wheel, the Zoom tool on the mini View Object wheel and the Full Navigation wheels is not constrained.

To zoom the view with a single click

    You must have enabled incremental zoom when using the Full Navigation wheels. The setting can be changed from the Options dialog for the SteeringWheels.

  1. Do the following to make sure this option is selected:
    • Display the Full Navigation wheel.
    • Right-click on the wheel and click Options.
    • In the Options dialog, under Zoom Tool, select Zoom in one increment with each mouse click.
    • Click OK.
  2. Display the 2D Navigation wheel, one of the Full Navigation wheels, or the mini View Object wheel.
  3. Click the Zoom wedge.

    The magnification of the model is increased and you are zoomed in closer to the model. If you hold down the SHIFT key while clicking the Zoom wedge, the model is zoomed out; you can hold down the CTRL key to zoom in.

To zoom a view in and out by dragging

  1. Display the 2D Navigation wheel, one of the Full Navigation wheels, or the mini View Object wheel.
  2. Click and hold down the Zoom wedge.

    The cursor changes to the Zoom cursor.

  3. Drag vertically to zoom in or out.
  4. Release the mouse button to return to the wheel.

To zoom in to an area of the model by specifying a window

  1. Display one of the Full Navigation wheels or the mini View Object wheel.
  2. Press and hold down the SHIFT key.
  3. Click and hold down the Zoom wedge.

    The cursor changes to the Zoom cursor.

  4. Drag the mouse to define the opposite corner of the window that defines the area in which you want to zoom.
    Note: Holding down the CTRL key while defining the second point of the window determines if the first point of the window is used as the corner or center of the window being dragged. When the CTRL key is held down, the first point defines the center of the window.
  5. Release the mouse button to return to the wheel.

To zoom in and out by scrolling the mouse wheel when a SteeringWheel is displayed

  1. Display one of the wheels other than the big Tour Building wheel.
  2. Scroll the wheel forward or backward to zoom in or out.
  3. Release the mouse button to return to the wheel.