Play Back and Review the Walkthrough

After creating a walkthrough, play it back to review it and make adjustments.

  1. Right-click the walkthrough view in the Project Browser.
  2. Select Show Camera from the dropdown menu.

    Note: If you have more than one view open, the playback occurs in the currently selected view.
  3. In the toolbar, select the Edit Walkthrough tab.
  4. In the Edit Walkthrough tab, use the Previous Frame, Previous Key Frame, Next Key Frame, Next Frame, and Play controls to review and play back the walkthrough.

    Previous Frame/Next Frame: Navigate between each individual frame in the walkthrough.

    Previous Key Frame/Next Key Frame:Navigate between each key frame in the walkthrough.

    Play:Begin playing the walkthrough from the location of the active camera.
    Note: There is no stop feature for walkthroughs in Revit. To cancel a playback, click Cancel on the left side of the status bar at the bottom of the drawing area.

You can edit and play back the walkthrough as needed.