Apply a Filter

Apply a filter to a view to change the visibility and graphic display of the elements identified by the filter.

You can use a filter of selected elements or a rule-based filter that identifies elements using parameter values.

Video: View Filters Enable in View

  1. Open the view.
  2. Click View tabGraphics panel (Visibility/Graphics), and click the Filters tab.
  3. Click Add.

    The Add Filters dialog lists existing filters. If the desired filter does not exist, click Edit/New to create a rule-based filter.

    To create a selection-based filter, see Work with Selection-Based Filters.

  4. Select a filter, and click OK.

    You can apply multiple filters to the same view. The order in which they are listed on the Filter tab of the Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog determines priority. The filter at the top of the list takes precedence.

  5. On the Filters tab, select a filter (or select multiple filters) and do the following:
    • Visibility: Clear the check box to hide the filtered elements in the view.
    • Enable in View: Clear the check box to disable the effects of the filter in the view.
    • Projection/Surface, Cut: When Visibility is selected, click Override to change the lines, patterns, and transparency of filtered elements.
    • Halftone: When Visibility is selected, click the check box to display filtered elements in halftone.

    These settings assume that no other settings override them; see Element Visibility Override Hierarchy.

  6. Click Apply (to apply the filter to the view and keep the dialog open) or OK (to apply the filter and close the dialog).

The filter applies to the current view only. Use view templates to apply a filter to a set of views.