Drawing area

The drawing area (canvas) displays views (and sheets and schedules) of the current model. Each time you open a view in a model, the view displays in the drawing area.

The other views are still open, but they are underneath the current view. Use tools of the View tabWindows panel to arrange project views to suit your work style.

Video: Organize and Manage Views

The default color of the drawing area background is white; you can change the color if desired. (See instructions below.)

To manage views in the drawing area

If you want to... then...
display a project view that has not yet been opened navigate to the view in the Project Browser, and double-click the view name.
open a sheet right-click the view drawing area, and choose Open Sheet from the right-click menu.
see a list of open views click View tabWindows panelSwitch Windows drop-down.

The bottom of the menu lists the open views. A check mark indicates the view that currently has focus in the drawing area.

display another open (but hidden) view in the drawing area click View tabWindows panel Switch Windows drop-down, and click the view to display.
arrange all open views as tabs in one window in the drawing area click View tabWindows panel (Tab Views).

This tool does not affect views that reside outside the application window. For example, if a view has been moved to another monitor, it remains there.

see all open views at the same time click View tabWindows panel (Tile Views).

This tool does not affect views that reside outside the application window. For example, if a view has been moved to another monitor, it remains there.

close all open views except for the currently active view click View tabWindows panel (Close Inactive Views).

If the drawing area contains multiple tiles (windows), each with multiple views, the current in-focus view remains open in each tile. Other views are closed.

If more than one model or family is open, one view remains open for each.

Views that reside outside the application window remain open. For example, if a view has been moved to another monitor, it remains open.

increase the size of the drawing area click View tabWindows panelUser Interface drop-down, and clear check boxes to hide interface components, such as the Project Browser and the status bar.

To change the background color of the drawing area:

  1. Click File tab Options.
  2. In the Options dialog, click the Colors tab.
  3. Under Colors, for Background, select the desired background color.
  4. (Optional) To change the color of the user interface, on the Colors tab, for UI active theme, select Dark, Light, or User system setting.

To change the color scheme of the drawing area from the Options dialog:

  1. Click File tab Options.
  2. In the Options dialog, click the Colors tab.
  3. Under Colors, for Canvas color scheme, select the desired theme: Light or Dark.

To change the color scheme of the drawing area from the ribbon:

  1. Click the View tab.
  2. In the View tab, click the Canvas Theme button.
  3. Toggle between Light and Dark themes.

To refresh the screen:

Press F5.