Troubleshooting: Layouts for Duct and Pipe

Use the following information to troubleshoot issues when generating a layout for duct or pipe.

Depending on the type of layouts that you create for your system, you may encounter failed layouts. The following table lists reasons for failed layouts and provides solutions.

Reasons for Failed Layouts Solution
One or more very short layout segments prevent fitting placement. Modify the problematic layout segments to increase their length.
Slight change in offset elevation prevents fitting placement. Modify the main or branch offset elevation for the layout, and verify the slope setting.
Elbow fittings are placed back-to-back to create a flattened “Z” condition. The layout segment between the elbows is either too short preventing fitting placement, or the elbows overlap. Modify the layout segment to increase the length between the elbows, or modify the main or branch offset elevation in the conversion settings dialog.
Tee fittings are placed back-to-back going in opposite directions. Select a duct type in the conversion settings dialog that uses taps instead of tees.
System component (family) is added to the layout but the component offset elevation was not specified. The system component location is not as designed. Cancel or Undo the Generate Layout tool, and specify the correct system component offset elevation in the Conversion Settings dialog. System components are not typically at the same offset elevation at the layout solution.
Layout offset elevation is not specified for the solution type. Specify the correct main or branch offset elevation in the Conversion Settings dialog for the solution type. Otherwise, the default offset elevation is used.
Vertical layout segment connects to a bend, or to a tee or cross fitting, causing a 3-way connection. Select a different solution to remove the 3-way connection, or modify the duct run after converting the layout.