Video: Customize the Project Browser

Create and load profile families into a project so they can be used to define geometry of elements.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Open the Browser Organization dialog.
  2. Sort Browser by discipline.
  3. Create a new organization.
  4. Select fields for sorting.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2016 When using Revit LT, you may notice differences in functionality and user interface.


You can customize the Project Browser organization to help you navigate the views and sheets in your project. When you customize the Project Browser, you can sort the views and sheets into groups or filter the views and sheets you want to display. ​

To modify the browser organization, on the View tab click User Interface and select Browser Organization. In the Browser Organization dialog, select a tab to modify the organization of the views or the sheets, and then select an organization. ​

For example if you want views organized by discipline, choose Discipline from the list and click Apply to see the changes in the Project Browser. ​

To understand how the views are filtered and grouped, click Edit. In the Browser Organization dialog there are Filtering and Grouping and Sorting tabs. You can select parameters of views and sheets as filtering and grouping criteria. In the Discipline browser organization none of the views are filtered, but they are grouped by discipline and then by the view family and type. ​

You can also create organizations. Click New in the Browser Organization dialog, and provide a name. In this example, the organization will be by view use. On the Grouping and Sorting tab, for the first Group by field, select "view use." in this case "view use" was added as a project parameter to all views in the project. The second Group by field is used to further organize by view family and type. Click ok. Then select the new organization, and click ok.

Using the Browser Organization controls combined with custom project parameters allows you to organize and navigate the views and sheets in your project more efficiently.