Shape Editing

Slab shape editing tools previously available only in Revit are now available in Revit LT.

Shape Editing

Use shape editing tools to alter the surface of a flat, no sloped edges or slope arrows, roof and floor elements. Add points and edges where the elevation is altered for drainage or other necessary edits to model real world conditions of the floors and roofs in your models. Shape editing is also used on toposolid elements to model topography conditions in your models.

By editing points and edges you shape the surface of the element into sub-regions that slope independently.

See About Shape Editing.

Elevation Controls

When adding points during shape editing, use the Elevation Base setting to define the relative elevation of the point. You can choose to measure elevations from:
  • Current Level
  • Project Base Point
  • Survey Point
  • Internal Origin

You can determine whether the points are added at an absolute elevation from the selected datum, or offset a specified distance from the existing surface.

While shape editing, the elevation of the surface positioned directly under the cursor is displayed near the cursor. Use this display to help you more accurately make shape edits to elements in your model.

For additional information, see Modify the Shape of an Element.