3D Joule Heating

Analysis Characteristics


Rohsenow,W.M.,Choi,H.Y., “Heat, Mass, Momentum Transfer”, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1961, p. 106

Problem Description

This model is Example 6.5 in the reference. The objective is to determine the centerline temperature of a bare steel wire carrying a current and exposed to ambient air. The wire has a resistance of 0.0001 Ohms-mm.

Geometry and Boundary Conditions

The radius of the wire is 0.375 inches, and the length is 1 inch.

A current of 250 (1000/4) Amps is applied to one end. A reference voltage of 0 volts was applied to the opposite end. A film coefficient of 5.0 Btu/hr-ft2-R and an ambient temperature of 70 F is applied to the outside edge of the wire.


The temperatures along the centerline and the outside surface and the heat transferred to the wire are compared with known values.

 Benchmark2018: Build 20170308% Error2019: Build 20180130% Error
Tsurface (F)418418.3720.089418.3370.081
Tcenterline (F)420420.480.114420.4440.106
Q (Btu/hr-in)28.4628.490.11228.4900.107