Results > Results Tasks

The controls in Results > Results Tasks are the essential workflow items for visualizing simulation results. Unlike the Setup Tasks, there is not a recommended work flow sequence, although the tools have been arranged from left to right in the order that most users access them.

The following is a brief description of each tool with links to more detailed topics.


Control the display of results and vectors on model surfaces.

Global Context Panel

The Global context panel appears when Global is pressed. It is available while the Results, View, and Get Started tabs are active, and until another Task button is pressed.

The Global context panel contains the following controls useful for results visualization on model surfaces:

For more about Global...


Planes are the primary tool for visualizing data on three dimensional models. They play several roles in results visualization:

Planes Context Panel

The Planes context panel appears when Planes is pressed. It is available while the Results, View, and Get Started tabs are active, and until another Task button is pressed.

The Planes context panel contains the following controls useful for visualizing results with Planes:

For more about Planes...


Traces behave like a dye injected into the stream. They provide a three-dimensional view of how the flow behaves. You can use them to identify where the flow changes direction, where it stagnates, and how it moves around solid obstructions.

Traces Context Panel

The Traces context panel appears when Traces is pressed. It is available while the Results, View, and Get Started tabs are selected, and until another Task button is pressed.

The Trace context panel contains the following controls useful for visualizing results with Traces:

For more about Traces...

Iso Surfaces

Iso surfaces provide a 3D view of a result scalar. They are a surface of constant value, and are useful for visualizing velocity and temperature distributions.

Iso Surfaces Context Panel

The Iso Surface context panel appears when Iso Surface is pressed. It is available while the Results, View, and Get Started tabs are selected, and until another Task button is pressed.

The Iso Surface context panel contains the following controls useful for visualizing results with Iso Surfaces:

For more about Iso surfaces...

Iso Volumes

Iso volumes... provide a 3D view of a result scalar. They are a surface of constant value, and are useful for visualizing velocity and temperature distributions.

Iso Volumes Context Panel

The Iso Volumes context panel appears when Iso Volumes is pressed. It is available while the Results, View, and Get Started tabs are selected, and until another Task button is pressed.

The Iso Volume context panel contains the following controls useful for visualizing results with Iso Volumes:

For more about Iso Volumes...

Wall Calculator

Use the Wall Calculator to calculate the following on solid and wall surfaces:

Wall Calculator Context Panel

The Wall Calculator context panel appears when Wall Calculator is pressed. It is available while the Results, View, and Get Started tabs are selected, and until another Task button is pressed.

The Wall Calculator context panel contains the following control useful when computing wall results:

For more about the Wall Calculator...


Assess results on selected parts. Additionally, designate parts as Summary Parts to compare critical values in the Decision Center.

Results Parts Context Panel

The Parts context panel appears when Parts is pressed. It is available while the Results, View, and Get Started tabs are selected, and until another Task button is pressed.

The Parts context panel contains the following controls useful when assessing results on parts:

For more about Parts...


Plot the time- or iteration-history at a specific location. Additionally, designate certain points as Summary Points to compare critical values in the Decision Center.

Points Context Panel

The Points context panel appears when Points is pressed. It is available while the Results, View, and Get Started tabs are selected, and until another Task button is pressed.

The Points context panel contains the following controls useful when assessing results at specific points:

For more about Points...

Click the slide-out arrow on the panel title bar to access the following control:

FEA Mapping

Use pressure and temperature results from a CFD simulation as boundary conditions on an FEA structural analysis.

For more about transferring CFD results to an FEA analysis...