
Summary: Access the locally installed documentation when clicking a dialog box context help icon or F1 in the ribbon.


use_local_help A

A = 0: (Off) = Access the on-line help resources

A = 1: (On) = Access the locally installed help resources.


By default, clicking F1 or a dialog help icon opens a topic in the on-line Help. If you do not have Internet access or prefer to view this content locally, you can download an html version of the content to your local computer.

To do this, click here, and follow the instructions to download and extract the file. The local help must be extracted to your C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CFD 2017\CFDHelp folder.

After extracting the local help, set the value of this flag to 1. This is the signal for Autodesk® CFD to look for the content locally instead of on-line.