Flag List
The following is a list of the most commonly accessed flags. This is not comprehensive as additional flags are regularly added to the product. If you cannot find a specific flag in this list, open the Search tool in the help and search for it.
A short description follows each flag. For more details, click the link to open a topic that describes the specific flag.
Default level flags:
- AsmCoinTol: The geometric tolerance used during the boolean operations performed while translating the geometric model into Autodesk® CFD.
- AsmHealing: Enables geometry healing operations. Use this if you encounter topology errors.
- auto_corner_redock: Force the Selection/List dialog to dock to a corner.
- avi_bpp: Control the bits per pixel in exported avi files
- avi_fps: Control the number of frames per second in exported avi files.
- delay_transparency: Cause dialogs to fade immediately after moving the mouse away.
- display_model_tolerance: Control the display refinement of the model.
- fieldview_flag: Export the current results set to a FieldView-compatible file.
- post_legend_continuous: Change the default legend appearance from continuous to banded.
- quick_attach: Control whether the quick edit dialog can attach to the Selection/List dialog. (Classic view only.)
- resid_bdry_force_calc: Computes the wall forces and properly distributes it from the nodes to the logical CAD surfaces to report in the wall calculator.
- snap_corner_dock: Control if the Selection dialog snaps into place when dragged near a corner.
- software_rendering: Enable software rendering to improve sluggish graphics performance or to avoid a display-related crash.
- transparency_fadein: Control how dialogs change to transparent--gradual fade or abruptly.
- transparent_off_model: Control transparency of dialogs moved to a separate monitor.
- transparent_widgets: Prevent dialogs from changing to transparent when move the mouse away.
- unv_mesh_flag: Output the current mesh in I-deas universal file format.
- use_dropshadow: Control default appearance of drop shadow.
- use_local_help: Access the locally installed documentation when clicking a dialog box context help icon or F1 in the ribbon.
- use_optimized_model: Control the Glview3 Model Rendering mode
- write_trace_bounce_data: Export massed particle trace collision information.
- adv5_no_dtime : Improve stability on transient analyses a flow rate at the exit of the model.
Scenario level flags:
- AutomaticInnerIteration: Modify the change criteria to advance to the next time step.
- BousOn: Enable Boussinesq approximation for natural convection analyses.
- cav_difu_orders: Stabilization for cavitation solutions.
- cavitation_value_check: Limit the size of bubbles computed by the cavitation model.
- Check_Velocity_Distribution: Smooth localized regions of velocity instability.
- ClusterFaces: Improve performance of radiation view factor calculation.
- dens-check-orders: Change the maximum allowable density difference (in terms of order of magnitude)
- DR_DIFFUSION_RATIO: Modify the diffusion characteristics of a distributed resistance region relative to the surrounding fluid.
- DRSmoothing: Resolve unexpected flow results near resistances.
- dump_cfd2_file: Select the type of simulation to be run with the CFD2 solver.
- FORCED_EXTRA: Change the default number of thermal-only iterations when running staged forced convection.
- FrozenRotor: Use Frozen Rotor for solving rotating analyses.
- ICS_Degrees_Per_Step: Modify the maximum amount of rotation per time step for Rotating Machinery analyses.
- ICS_RAD_NUMERATOR: Control the rate of change of temperature for radiation analyses.
- load_xfer_all_res: Transfer results from every saved iteration or time step to an FEA load set.
- max_electrical_resistance_ratio: Specify the maximum ratio of electrical resistivity for Joule heating.
- Max_Pseudo_Time_Step_Size: Control solution stability of radiation analyses.
- mesh_adapt_BLAspect: Reduces the boundary layer height to ensure the ratio of layer thickness to transverse length does not exceed 1.
- mesh_BLSimplex: Enable the use of Simplex (tetrahedral elements) in the boundary layer mesh. This is required for the CFD2 solver.
- mesh_boundarylayer_blend: Enable "rounding" at geometric convex corners to blend layers on adjacent surfaces.
- mesh_enhance_layers: Set the default number of Mesh Enhancement layers.
- mesh_enhance_off: Automatically disable Mesh Enhancement.
- mesh_enhance_thick: Automatically control the mesh enhancement layer thickness.
- mesh_enhance_gradation: Control the rate at which enhancement layers grow
- mesh_multicore: Enable multiple computing cores for mesh generation.
- mesh_volume_autosize: Enable volume-based autosizing, which allows greater mesh control for external flow simulations.
- mesh_volume_autosize_growth: Control how much Volume-Based Mesh Autosizing grows the mesh.
- MotionMaskingAlgorithm: Revert to an older masking algorithm for motion processing.
- nodal_aspect_ratio: Diagnostic tool to locate highly distorted elements.
- nodal_out_flag: Export a ".csv" file containing the primary results quantities from all nodes.
- no_difu_tensors: Control the formulation used for radial distributed resistance regions and PCB material devices that are not aligned with the Cartesian axes.
- phase_change_convergence_factor: The tolerance at which the solid temperature is iterated against the fluid temperature, via the enthalpy equation in phase change simulations.
- phase_change_iteration_count: Maximum number of internal solver iterations for phase change simulations.
- PressureMapWettedSurfaces: Modify how forces are computed at the interface of moving and stationary solids.
- rad_heat_flux_freq: Modify how often the radiosity and heat flux solutions update.
- rad_model_1: Enable the approximate (flux-based) radiation model.
- RadFluxRelax: Modify the numerical relaxation for radiation heat flux.
- resid_bdry_force_calc: Computes the wall forces and properly distributes it from the nodes to the logical CAD surfaces to report in the wall calculator.
- restart_from_gbi: Reduce the amount of time needed to download results from the cloud.
- RotorStatorLinkAlgorithm: Revert to an older linking algorithm for rotating region analyses.
- send_intermediate_res_file: Prevent intermediate results files from being downloaded from the cloud to the local workstation.
- send_res_files: Prevent all results files from being downloaded from the cloud to the local workstation.
- send_rvq_file: Prevent the radiation file from being uploaded to and downloaded from the cloud.
- SkipRotorExpansion: Eliminate additional checking for rotor surfaces that do not touch a static part.
- SolarFluxConstant: Specify a custom base solar heat flux.
- Split_Energy: Enable the split energy formulation, which is necessary when using CFD2 for flow/thermal simulations with fluids and solids.
- sst_new_iwf: Enables a more accurate method of solving for the pressures and velocities and temperature near no-slip walls in conjunction with the SST turbulence model.
- TURB_SCALAR: Enable a scalar diffusion model that uses the Schmidt Number.
- use_bl_stabilization: Stabilization for rotating and compressible analyses.
- use_property_ref_temp: Property Initialization for Natural Convection Analyses.
- use_sst_rc: Helps to yield more accurate flow results such as pressure and velocity fields in devices like cyclones and airfoils with blowing and suction.
- viewfactorupdate: Change how often view factors are recomputed for motion analyses.