Summary: Revert to an older linking algorithm for rotating region analyses.
RotorStatorLinkAlgorithm A
A = 0 (off, default): The standard (faster) rotating region linking algorithm is used.
A = 1 (on): An older linking algorithm is used.
For Rotation analyses, nodes in the rotating and neighboring static parts are linked numerically to account for flow passing from the rotor to the stator as the rotor rotates. This is a computationally intensive process, and over the years has been refined to be faster and more efficient. By default, the current linking algorithm is used, which is the fastest available.
Enable this flag if an error occurs during the start-up processing of a rotating analysis. This flag enables the older linking algorithm. In one or two cases, this algorithm has been found to improve the robustness of the rotating calculation.
For more about rotating simulations...