Compare your final results with the .vbp file. Download the data files here, then watch the videos. Follow along using the downloaded .wire file.
Please note, there may be differences between your version of VRED and the video. See the video captions below for updated instructions.
Learn about how to open, optimize, and manipulate a model in VRED.
Video captions: Welcome to VRED. Today, we will import a model and use the default import settings. Click Import.
A linked Autodesk Alias WIRE file has been provided for you to download and use.
To increase file performance and enhance the rendering process, let's optimize the scene. In the Scenegraph, right-click the top node of the geometry and select Edit > Show Optimize Module. You can also access the Optimize Module via the Scene menu or through right-clicking on the Quick Access Bar. In addition to the default settings, check both Flush Transformation Nodes and Cleanup Group Nodes, then click Optimize. This optimizes the Scenegraph, removes stored transformations, and removes unnecessary or empty group nodes to reduce the number of drawn nodes in the scene. Please keep in mind, this could destroy your Scenegraph structure, so don't use "Cleanup Group Nodes" if the structure should not be modified.
Because Boundings is enabled, a bounding box appears around the model, which indicates that it is selected. Click Wireframe to display the wireframe of selected components.
There are several ways to select and deselect objects.
To navigate in the Render View, use the LMB to rotate, MMB to pan, and RMB to zoom.
Double-LMB-click on geometry to set it as the pivot point. This does not move the camera.
Double-MMB-click on geometry to set the pivot point, then focus and center it in the Render View. Use this to zoom into small parts quickly. Also use this to quickly zoom out when working with large parts. This works like Selection + Zoom to.
Double-RMB-click on geometry to set the pivot point and center it in the Render View.
Now, let's check the direction of the surface normals, to ensure they are facing the correct direction. To display these in VRED, in the Visualization menu, select Vertex/Face Normal Rendering. The colors displayed identify their orientations.
You can also flip normals of shells and meshes with different twisted components and patches using the following hotkeys:
When all normals are facing the camera (green) go back to Visualization > Realistic Rendering.