OpenXR Improvements

We've added better support for Varjo's HMDs in OpenXR, which includes depth testing, foveated rendering, quad views, and MR/VR toggling.

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Depth Testing for Varjo MR

We've added support for depth testing with Varjo mixed reality headsets. Now, depth occlusion scenarios are possible, using Depth Estimation when in mixed reality.

Quad Views

We've also implemented Varjo's quad views. These enable rendering to all four Varjo viewports to take advantage of Varjo’s human eye resolution displays for two viewports per eye.

To use the quad view, do the following:

  1. In the Extend Reality > HMD preferences > Eye Tracking section, enable Eye Tracking.
  2. In the Varjo section, enable Native Foveated Rendering.
  3. Click Apply and Save.

MR and VR Toggle

We've added toggling between MR and VR for supported HMDs in OpenXR.

Click the current icon to switch to the other mode. By default, you will see the MR icon (MR icon), unless you've set your own default preference to VR (VR icon).

How to Change Your Mode

  1. In the Extend Reality > HMD preferences > Varjo section, select your default mode, MR or VR.
  2. Click Apply and Save.

Foveated Rendering in OpenXR

Varjo users can now use native foveated rendering when in MR. We've added OpenXR support. Use it to reduce peripheral resolution (image quality), while setting tracking areas to be rendered at high resolution. This improves performance in scenes with compute intensive materials, and when using real-time antialiasing.

  1. In the Extend Reality > HMD preferences > Varjo section, enable Native Foveated Rendering.
  2. Click Apply and Save.