Distributed Teams Installation

Autodesk Vault Professional supports distributed team environments.

You can replicate vaults and enforce data control with workgroups. Refer to the steps in this section for setting up a multi-site environment.

Additional Considerations for Distributed Teams

If you are installing the server components for Vault Professional, you have several options to better support teams distributed across multiple locations. Vault Professional supports Multi-Site replication with a central remote database. Vault Professional also allows a single site to implement Vault with a dedicated database server.


Multiple remote sites can be configured to access the same vault data. A site comprises a dedicated Autodesk data management server and a file store. Each site accesses a shared AUTODESKVAULT SQL instance.

Expanded Architecture

In addition to a traditional multi-site environment configuration, the multi-site architecture can be expanded by using the Autodesk Vault File Server. In this layout, a remote site hosts its filestore locally, similar to a traditional multi-site environment, while directing meta-data traffic to the Autodesk Data Management Server to which it is connected. This configuration can provide considerable performance improvements if the remote site has a poor or slow connection to the SQL server.


Replication is the process of copying data from one server to another server usually located in two different physical locations. This process allows the setup of a Vault environment that has two different locations. Users will not have to spend time downloading large CAD files across their Wide Area Network (WAN) connection.

The connected workgroup feature in Autodesk Vault Professional supports the use of multiple database servers using Microsoft SQL merge replication technology. This technology allows the replication of the SQL database at multiple locations.

Distributed Teams Installation Steps

Follow the steps in this section to perform a distributed teams installation. Refer to Customize the Autodesk Vault Client Installation after you are done configuring your Vault Server installation.

Note: Multi-site Support is available in Autodesk Vault Professional.
  1. Determine the Multi- Site envrironment that meets your company needs.
  2. Determine whether to use a local or remote SQL database.
  3. Install and Configure Licensing.
  4. Pre-Install Microsoft SQL Server If Microsoft SQL Server is not already installed, the installation package will automatically install Microsoft SQL Express Adv 2017. You can pre-install Microsoft SQL Server if you require more capacity or have a customized environment for your SQL database.
  5. Install the Autodesk Vault Server.
  6. Enable a Vault for a Multi-Site Environment. Once you have installed the Autodesk Vault Server, you must enable your Vaults for a multi-site environment.
  7. Determine Replication needs, if desired.
  8. Create Connected Workgroups, if desired.

When the Autodesk Vault Server is configured for multi-site support, proceed to the Autodesk Vault Client Installation section.