Skyline Method

The skyline method solves the K * x = b linear equation system, or the eigenvalue problems Kφ - λB φ = 0 equation system.

The skyline method is based on the Cuthill-McKee reordering method 12, a matrix profile scheme, and the Crout factorization technique 3.

This method is applied when solving either a linearized equation set or an eigenvalue problem Kφ - λBφ = 0 (modal and buckling analysis). If the second matrix B is consistent (modal analysis with consistent mass matrix or buckling), then it is stored by means of the profile method (as is the K matrix). All required consistent matrices for different types of analyses are also stored by means of the profile method. For example, a stress-stiffened matrix for nonlinear and buckling analysis and a dynamic matrix K - λB for Sturm sequence check and harmonic analysis.


Skyline Method calculations

The calculations dialog for the Skyline method shows the following phases:
    • Model reduction (renumbering of nodes and elements)
    • Definition of the stiffness matrix for individual structure elements
    • Matrix decomposition (Cholesky decomposition)
    • Number of blocks.
    • Division of the stiffness matrix. A part of the matrix is saved on the disk, slowing calculations.
    • Problem solving for successive load cases.
Skyline method calculations
1 George A., Liu J., Computer solution of large sparse positive definite systems, 1981.
2 Pissanetzky S. Sparse matrix technology, 1984.
3 Hughes T.R.J., Ferencz R.M., Raefsky A.M. The finite element method. DLEARN - A linear static and dynamic finite element analysis program.