Selection of Structure Analysis Results for Presentation

Use this dialog to select parameters are displayed in the table.

  • Click View Table Columns
  • Click Table Columns from the context menu.
Note: The Table Columns option is available from the menu or from the context menu, when you are located in one of the selected tables.
Dialog elements

The name and content of the dialog depends on type of results which is selected from Tables: Data and Results dialog.

Member Value Selection

The Member Value Selection dialog is composed of the following tabs.

Nodal Value Selection

The Nodal Value Selection dialog is composed of the following tabs.

If diagrams for time history analysis are presented and Table Columns is selected from the context menu, the dialog opens. It allows one for selecting parameters that are to be presented in the table located below the diagrams for time history analysis.

FE Value Selection

The FE Value Selection dialog is composed of the following tabs.

On the Panels tab in the FE result table, Table Columns is available in the context menu. The dialog that opens after selecting the Table Columns includes the General tab.

Dynamic Value Selection

The Dynamic Value Selection dialog is composed of the following tabs.

Reduced Results for Panels

The Reduced Results for Panels dialog is composed of the following tabs.

Results for the required (theoretical) member reinforcement

The Results for the required (theoretical) member reinforcement dialog consists of two tabs for RC beams and columns.

Results for Plate and Shell Reinforcement

The Results for Plate and Shell Reinforcement dialog is composed of the following tabs.

Results for Solids

The Results for Solids dialog is composed of the following tabs.

Data for plastic process history

The Data for plastic process history dialog contains the following tabs.

The Forces and Stresses tabs are identical as those for member values.

Additional tabs

The following tabs may be also available in the above dialogs:

Load Take Down analysis tabs

Resulting loads coming from the Load Take Down analysis can be also reached in the tabular form.


The lower part of the dialog contains two options:

  • Columns will be added - if checked, selected options are added as columns at the end of the active table.
  • Columns will replace existing ones - if checked, selected options replace the current table columns.
Note: In this dialog, specific tabs for particular elements defining a structure model may appear. These include quantity survey, cost estimate, rigid links, offsets, loads, and masses, among others.

See also:

Node numbering for 6- and 8-node finite element.