Calculations dialog

The Calculations dialog presents the individual stages of the structure calculation.

The dialog has three sections:

  1. The upper section (independent of a selected analysis type and a solver) provides the current date and time as well as a type of structure analysis. Additionally, it shows the name of the project being analyzed.
  2. The middle section depends on the selected analysis type and a solver (chosen in the Job preferences dialog from the Structural Analysis tab). This section displays information regarding individual stages of structure calculations and indicates the current analysis stage.
  3. The lower section is independent of a selected analysis type and a solverand provides the following information:
    • Information concerning the size of a solved project.
      • Number of nodes,
      • Number of elements,
      • Number of equations in the system of equations being solved,
      • Matrix bandwidth (the skyline method) or frontwidth (the frontal method), before starting and after completing the optimization.
    • Information about current RAM memory requirements and usage, resources, and disk resources. There is also an estimation of the calculation time.

Click Pause to temporarily pause structure analysis.

Click Stop to halt and quit calculations.